Goldendoodle Running Partner: How Far And Fast They Can Jog
This article is about Goldendoodles as running partners.
Running is a big part of life for a lot of us. It improves our health, helps with mood regulation, and is an exceptional way to blow off some steam or get mentally ready for a big day. Sharing our run with our favorite furry friend can add to running benefits. That said, not all dogs are suited to running and could get injured should we try and take them with us for too long or too far. With that in mind, I decided to set out to see if Goldendoodles are suited for running. If so, what types of runs are ideal to take them on? Also, what do I need to be aware of before and during, and after our runs?

Are Goldendoodles Good Running Partners?
Would my Goldendoodle make a good running partner? Goldendoodles make excellent running partners! Unless you have a very small Goldendoodle, if you start training your Goldendoodle to run with you when they are young and progress at a slow, measured pace, your Goldendoodle will grow to be an excellent jogging companion.
The Goldendoodle’s parent breeds (Golden Retrievers and Poodles) are natural athletes bred to run all day and have an eagerness to please, which makes them the perfect running partners. Combining the two breeds makes it even better!
What Do I Need to Know Before Taking My Goldendoodle on a Run?
What do I need to know before taking my Goldendoodle on a run? Now that you know you can take your Goldendoodle on a run, what should you consider before lacing up your sneakers and grabbing the leash?
One big rule of thumb, no matter what breed of dog you’re running with, is to be careful when they are puppies. Here are some basic pointers that vets give to owners who are thinking about making their dogs running partners:
- Running is not great for puppies under six months of age.
- Even after six months of age, you want to be sure and take things slow and short so you don’t damage your furry friend’s joints or growth plates.
- Also, talk to your vet even after six months so you can get your dog a full work-up and all-clear.
- Teaching them how to be good walking partners before running is key to success.
- The last thing you want on a run is to cause a collision or trip over a leash because of a squirrel or any other distractions.
- In line with the above, having them trained on “leave it” before running is a great idea.
- Most vets recommend using treats while working on your walking training. This will give them a reward for not running after those pesky squirrels or rabbits, or children, or other dogs or a bird…. well you get the idea.
- When you are ready to start running, take them on short spurts so they can get used to the exercise and then increase over time.
- Train your dog the same way you train yourself. None of us is marathon-ready the first time we lace up our sneakers and hit the pavement!
- Some signs that you are asking too much too fast of your Goldendoodle are as follows:
- Noticeable soreness after your run, such as limping or trouble getting up and down the stairs
- Being excessively tired or lethargic after a run.
- Generally, a dog will be tired after running, but if it lasts too long, you may have pushed him just a little too far.
- If your dog starts lagging or does not want to go on runs, it may be a sign that he’s not ready to go the distance.
- Even though Goldendoodles can make great running partners, not all dogs like to run. Watch for signs such as resistance or consistent lagging behind while on runs to understand if it may not be the right thing for your Goldendoodle.
- If you have any questions or concerns on whether or not running is right for your dog, please talk to your vet.

Can Goldendoodles Run With You?
Amazingly, Goldendoodles are amazing distance runners and would be good for 10Ks plus. While Goldendoodles make great distance runners, there are some things you should be aware of before going the distance.
Following are some expert tips and tricks to consider before taking your Goldendoodle the distance:
- Again, don’t try and start running with your dog too early as it could damage their joints and growth plates. Please be sure to have a conversation with your vet before starting on this new adventure with your pup or adult Goldendoodle.
- Try to avoid long runs when the outside temperature is too much over 70 degrees.
- While the weather may seem pleasant to humans, remember your furry friend must wear a coat all year long.
- If you live in a warmer climate or you’re starting off in the summer months, try taking your Goldendoodle on early morning or late evening runs to avoid the heat.
- Retractable leashes are not a great idea when running.
- You want to be able to gain control of your running buddy quickly, and retractable leashes don’t always allow for that.
- Experts state that starting with about two feet of lead on a non-retractable leash is ideal.
- Once you both get comfortable, you can give your Goldendoodle more leash.
- Waist leashes are a great idea once your Goldendoodle is trained on how to be a good running partner.
- Finally, as stated above, don’t try to push your dog too far too fast. We all need time to build up to a good long distance. I don’t know about you, but for me, it took quite some time before I even felt good running a mile!

Running Doodles: Considerations For Taking Your Goldendoodle Running
Once my Goldendoodle is trained, what considerations do I need to make while running? There are a number of things to consider for your furry friend while running. I have compiled some information I’ve found for you to consider as you head out the door with your new running partner.
- Most experts agree to give your dog between one and two hours after eating to run.
- Just like us humans, it’s hard to run on a full belly, and the same goes for your furry friend.
- Be sure to have water for your pet, just like having water for yourself.
- It may take a bit of time to understand how much water your dog needs. To start, you can give them about a half cup of water for every 30 pounds every fifteen minutes until they don’t seem to be thirsty any more.
- You want to try not to over-water your dog as they can cause bloating and an upset tummy.
- It will take some time, but you will be able to figure out what amount of water is right for your dog.
- Take a pre-look at your path to determine if there may be hazards for your furry friend.
- For example, if you are running on trails, are there a lot of sharp rocks that could damage his paws?
- Also, look out for excessive use of pavement or black roads in the summer, which could wreak havoc on your dog’s feet.
- Make sure your Goldendoodle is up on his flea and tick treatments should you decide to run on trails.
- Consider keeping a first aid kit handy for you and your running partner should any incidents occur.
- Make sure you have a plan for poop.
- While it sounds crazy, trying to carry a bag of poop while running and holding on to a leash can be horrible at best.
- Try to plan how close trash cans or other pet disposal areas are to your route.
- While it sounds crazy, trying to carry a bag of poop while running and holding on to a leash can be horrible at best.
- As stated above, try to avoid overheating your furry friend.
- If you live in a warm climate or are running in the summer, try and schedule your runs in the early morning or late evening for cooler weather.
In short, getting ready for a run with your Golden Doodle is not very different from preparing for a run on your own. You may just need a little extra planning and count on a little extra cargo.
How Far Can Goldendoodles Run?
How far a Goldendoodle can run depends a lot on their conditioning. An overweight, old, or very small miniature Goldendoodle who is not used to running may not be able to run around the block. A large, well-exercised Goldendoodle in their prime could easily run 20 miles in a day.
An average-sized young Goldendoodle can probably run a mile the first time with you without having too much trouble. Most Goldendoodles can easily run 2-5 miles in a day.
If you are a serious runner, consider making a 12-mile run the max you’d take your Goldendoodle on. Some Goldendoodles can run much farther, and some can even run marathons or more in a day, but that takes serious condition, and you should consult your vet before you start pushing them farther than about 12 miles.
Post-Run Tips For Your Goldendoodle

While we tend to get caught up in planning for our run and have a blast on the actual run, it can be easy to forget post-run recovery. See below for some expert tips on how to take care of your pooch after the run:
- Post-run treats are a great idea (for humans and dogs)!
- Just don’t give them too soon as that could lead to an upset tummy.
- Make sure your dog has enough post-run water, but try not to let them have too much, so they don’t get bloated and sick to their stomachs.
- Just like humans, allow for a cool-down period at the end of the run.
- Oftentimes, it’s just slowing down and walking at a leisurely speed at the end of the run for about five to ten minutes.
- You can even give your Goldendoodle a massage!
- Just like humans, it’s a great way to help their muscles relax and recover.
Closing Thoughts
Goldendoodles can make just as amazing running partners as they do companions. The key to successful runs with your furry friend is to treat them just like you would yourself. Try not to push too hard, take heed to health hazards and have FUN!!!!! Happy running, everyone!