Neutering A Dog: When Should A Goldendoodle Be Neutered?
Our Goldendoodles are important to us, and we want to make sure we are responsible pet owners while being cognizant of our loved one’s health. For this reason, I’ve done some research on the highly debated topic of neutering. The goal is to supply you with any information I can in order to allow you to make an educated decision on what is right for you and your Goldendoodle.

When should a Goldendoodle be neutered?
Research has indicated that a male Goldendoodle dog can be neutered after eight weeks of age, but many vets now recommend neutering at around six months of age or later when your dog is done with puberty.
The timing of when you should get your dog neutered can vary depending on who you are talking to.
Rescues generally recommend around eight weeks (population concerns), most vets recommend around six months (post sexual maturity), and many breeders and trainers will recommend up to 14 months!
Some vets are more in line with breeders and trainers and are asking dog owners to wait until after our puppies are older than a year, especially in larger breeds.
This article will take a closer look at the recommendations around neutering, the research found on why to wait for the right age of neutering, and detail the pros and cons with the intent of helping you make the right decision for your family and your pet.
Reasons some advocate waiting to neuter your Goldendoodle
My research has led to the following reasons many in the vet community are advocating waiting until after puberty to neuter your dog:
- Hip Dysplasia
- Hip dysplasia is an abnormal formation of the hip joints. This is generally inherited from parents, so it is good to understand your Goldendoodle’s parent’s history prior to bringing them home. Recent studies have shown that early neutering can double the chances of this happening.
- Heart Tumors
- Research in this area is still in its early stages, and the information I could find was somewhat limited. In addition, while still considered for males, it is generally an issue found in female Goldendoodles that get spayed at an earlier age. Spaying is usually done early for smaller females and later for larger females.
- Bone Growth and Development
- Studies have shown that in larger breed dogs, neutering early can lead to the growth plates staying open longer than normal. This could cause bones to grow larger than they should, resulting in unhealthy body proportions. It has also been shown to cause some dogs to grow larger than other dogs of the same breed.
- Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Ruptures
- Studies are still ongoing on these health risks, and some state it may actually be linked to the bone growth and development issue mentioned above.
- Hypothyroidism
- This is especially common in Golden Retrievers, which could impact your Goldendoodle. My research has shown that potential health problems caused by hypothyroidism are as follows:
- Obesity
- Hair loss
- Dry skin
- High blood cholesterol
- Lethargy
- Cold intolerance
- Thickening of skin
- This is especially common in Golden Retrievers, which could impact your Goldendoodle. My research has shown that potential health problems caused by hypothyroidism are as follows:
While not fun, hypothyroidism is treatable.
- Adverse Reactions to Vaccines
- The American Kennel Club’s Canine Health Foundation released a report stating there is a chance that early neutering results in higher instances of adverse reactions to vaccines.
- Please note that if you’ve had your dog neutered at an earlier age, this does not mean you should avoid vaccinating your dog. Please discuss any risks or concerns with your vet prior to making a decision.
- The American Kennel Club’s Canine Health Foundation released a report stating there is a chance that early neutering results in higher instances of adverse reactions to vaccines.
- Bone Cancer
- One article stated that information from the Veterinary Medical Database (1980 to 1994) showed large breed dogs were at higher risk for bone cancer if neutered too early.
Regardless of your thoughts on timing, I thought it would be a good idea to understand some of the pros and cons that I’ve found for neutering your dog:
Pros and Cons of Neutering Your Goldendoodle
- Population Control
- Neutering your Goldendoodle can be beneficial to the already overcrowded animal shelters and rescues that are already filled with unwanted litters (though an unwanted Goldendoodle litter of puppies probably is very rare).
- Reduces the Rate of Prostate and Cancer Problems
- Obviously, since you cannot get prostate or testicular cancer if you have not prostate or testicles.
- Reduces the Urge for Him to Mate
- Neutered Goldendoodle puppies have been shown to have a lower chance of running off to find a mate.
- Mood Stabilization
- Some male dogs can be overly aggressive, and neutering can help with this behavior.
- Reduces Sexualization Behavior
- It can be terribly embarrassing when your dog greets your friends by hopping on their leg! Neutering has been shown to help with this behavior by reducing some of the hormones that produce this urge.
- Neutering is Not Guaranteed to Help with Behavioral Issues
- Sometimes you just need good old-fashioned training.
- Changing Your Dog’s Coat
- The hormonal changes can cause his coat to change.
- Stops the Breeding Process
- If you’ve always imagined having a room full of little Goldendoodles, it won’t happen with neutering.
- Some research has shown neutering to cause weight gain due to the shift in hormones.
- This can possibly be managed through diet change and portion control.
When Should You Neuter A Medium-Sized Dog?
When should you neuter a medium-sized dog? Most research indicated a medium-sized dog should be neutered between six to nine months. However, as indicated previously, many vets are advocating waiting until your furry friend is a least a year old before moving forward with neutering.
Either way, most vets agree you should wait until your dog has gone through puberty. To understand more exact timing for your dog, please discuss it with your veterinarian.
Do dogs change after being neutered?
Do dogs change after being neutered? Many dogs’ behavior does change in a good way after being neutered.
As mentioned previously, neutering can help curb your dog’s urge to go out and find a mate. It can often make him less aggressive and even help with some of the embarrassing “leg moments” when friends and family come to call. Some articles cited research on neutered male dogs that showed they even had a lower propensity to bite than those dogs that were still intact.
While positive behavior changes may not be true in every case, neutering has been shown to help with some of the more worrisome behaviors our Goldendoodles can exhibit.
I hope the information above has helped. Just in case you’re still seeking more answers, I’ve come up with a few of the most common questions asked that will further address your concerns. See below for the questions and answers I’ve found:
Neutering Your Goldendoodle FAQs
Can a dog be too old to be neutered?
Research has indicated that healthy dogs over seven can be safely neutered. However, some blood tests, such as liver and kidney function, need to be run prior to performing the surgery.
If you are thinking about neutering your mature dog and have any health concerns, please discuss them with your vet before making a decision.
Will neutering a dog calm him down?
Neutering can calm your dog down. It can also help him with the urge to wander and help with many aggression issues.
How long does it take a male dog to recover from neutering?
Generally, it takes a male dog 14 days for a dog to recover from neutering. For at least the first two days, you want to restrict his activity and try to keep him in a confined space that will limit his movement.
Will getting my dog neutered stop him from peeing in the house?
Neutering a dog has been shown to help stop urine marking in the house, but your Goldendoodle will still need to be potty trained.
Will neutering stop aggression in dogs?
Neutering has been shown to help with aggression in male dogs. While it will help, there will be some behaviors that will require training.
Is dog neutering reversible?
No, once you’ve neutered your dog, you cannot undo it.
Can a dog go for a walk after being neutered?
He can go outside to go potty, but the general rule of thumb is no big walks or runs until you’ve received the all-clear at the 10-day post-op vet check.
How long after being neutered can a dog have a bath?
General guidance states it will be seven to ten days before you can give your dog a bath after neutering.
Will neutering a dog stop him from barking?
It can stop urges to bark related to mating, but he will still need to be trained not to bark.
Can my dog eat after being neutered?
Yes, dogs can eat after being neutered, but they may lose their appetite after the procedure. If his appetite does not return after about 24 hours, contact your vet.
Can a dog be left alone after neutering?
If you have to leave your dog alone after just being neutered, be sure to keep him crated and in an area where he will be less likely to be active and risk tearing his incision.
Can dogs go up and down stairs after being neutered?
Most vets recommend not allowing much activity after neutering for a few days. If possible, avoid stairs.