What Does Goldendoodle F1b Mean?
Having a Goldendoodle in your family can be a great way to add a new pet you are going to love.
As you go looking for a new member of your family, you may notice that there are different types of Goldendoodles, but it is confusing to know what the differences of each one may be.
One popular option, because it is considered hypoallergenic, is the F1B Goldendoodle, but you may be confused as to what this means.
What Does Goldendoodle F1b Mean?
An F1B Goldendoodle is a dog whose parents are a Goldendoodle and a Poodle (75% Poodle and 25% Golden Retriever). They are more likely to be hypoallergenic and their temperament will be more like a Poodle, though a few characteristics of the Golden Retriever will show through.
There are several variants when it comes to the Goldendoodle and the type of dog you have.
Let’s take a closer look at this and see how each of them will factor into the dog that you have.
Why Make an F1b Goldendoodle?
When you are choosing to add a Goldendoodle to your family, you may be a little bit confused when the dog is listed under a few different numbers.
Understanding what an F1B Goldendoodle is compared to an F2 can be a little confusing if you have not spent time with Goldendoodles in the past.
Some of the different types of Goldendoodles that you can choose include:
An F1B Goldendoodle is going to be the type of Goldendoodle that is starting to go back to their Poodle parent more than before.

This one will take the F1 Goldendoodle, which is a 50% split of the Golden Retriever and Poodle, and then mix it in with another Poodle. This gives the new puppies 25% genetics of a Golden Retriever and 75% from the Poodle.
Like other backcrossing options that you can choose to do with these dogs, the F1B Goldendoodle is done to help limit the amount of shedding that is done while improving the quality of the coat.
And this experiment worked.
The F1B Goldendoodle is more allergy friendly compared to some of the other types of this dog breed and the coat often comes out much curlier than you will find with the first generation.
The F1 Goldendoodle is more likely to have problems with shedding all over the place.
But this is not as big of an issue with the F1B Goldendoodle.
If someone in your home has a lot of allergies, then this dog breed is the best option.
They still get a lot of the great personality traits and intelligence that you would expect from its parents.
What Does Goldendoodle F1 Mean?
When you get an F1 Goldendoodle, this means that you have a mixture between a purebred Golden Retriever and a purebred Poodle.
This gives the dog 50% of their genetics from both parents.
This will be the first type of Goldendoodle out there and can help you to get the cuddable and lovable little dog that you are going to love.
The F1 Goldendoodle is going to come with a lot of different types of coats.
Some will have a coat that is straighter than others and some seem to take on the curly or the wavy coat.
This is due to the fact that their parents can have a lot of variation and it depends on which traits tend to show up the most.
The color of the coat is going to vary as well.
Some are black and white, some are more of a golden color, and some can be ivory, cream, or red.
It does depend on the parents and what type of coat they had at the time as well.
What Does Goldendoodle F2 Mean?
When you meet an F2 Goldendoodle, then this is a second-generation of the Goldendoodle.
This is the result of breeding two F1 Goldendoodles with one another.
They will still be very similar to their parents because they will get 50% of their genetics from the Poodle and 50% from the Golden Retriever just the same as before.
This can help to keep some of the favorable characteristics that you need with this kind of dog.
These dogs can vary in size and it will depend on the parents.
They are not likely to come in the small size because their grandparents, whom they still get a lot of their genetics from, are not small dogs.
You will have to work with some other type of breeding to make that happen.
Many will either be medium in size, which is between 35 to 50 pounds, or they are standard, which can be higher than 55 pounds.
These dogs are still very hypoallergenic because they have a nice curly coat that does not shed that much.
They are a good combination of both the Golden Retriever and the Poodle so you are going to get good temperaments from both of them along with a great dog you are sure to love.
What Does F2B Goldendoodle Mean?
This type of dog is going to be a second generation backcross.
This is produced either by crossing an F1 Goldendoodle that we talked about before back with an F1B Goldendoodle.
It can also happen if you cross an F2 Goldendoodle back with a Poodle.
This is a unique type of dog. They are a new and improved version of a dog that is already seen as perfect.
It has the wavy and curly coat that makes them a popular choice when hypoallergenic and they will not shed all that much.
Their temperament Is calm and alert and they will spend time with your family, having a lot of fun.
These dogs are intelligent and they like to learn some new tricks with the kids and others who may come to the home.
And they get along with pretty much everyone, even small strangers who want to come and pet them! This dog is protective as they use it to show love to their owners.
The size that they will turn out to be will depend on their parents.
What are F1BB Goldendoodles?
Your Goldendoodle can also be labeled as an F1BB Goldendoodle as well.
These dogs are often known as a backcross Goldendoodle because it is a result of pairing a Poodle back with an F1B Goldendoodle that we talked about before.
They have basically been backcrossed to the poodle twice.
This introduces more of the Poodle back into the mixture, so you will see that this dog is going to have more of the traits of a Poodle than their parent did.
In this one, the Goldendoodle should be about 75% Poodle and 25% Golden Retriever.
While all dogs in this grouping will be different, you can expect that the Poodle traits are the ones that will show up the most. This is not a bad thing.
You will get a dog who loves to have fun, is loyal, and is very intelligent all rolled into one.
And since their Poodle parent is likely to live between 12 to 15 years on average, this cross of Goldendoodle is going to have a long lifespan as well.
These dogs may have some of the same health conditions as their Poodle parent as well. This can include thyroid issues, bloat, epilepsy, and hip dysplasia.
Choosing the Goldendoodle from a reputable breeder and finding a good vet to take care of them will make a world of difference in how healthy this breed of dog can be.
This type of Goldendoodle is also popular because they shed the least out of all the Goldendoodles.
While most Goldendoodles are not going to shed as much as other dogs, this one has more of the Poodle in it, helping to keep shedding down to a minimum as much as possible.
Choosing the Right Goldendoodle For You
All Goldendoodles are lovable pets who like to spend time with their owners and have a lot of fun along the way.
They are smart dogs who will spend time with their owners and will love anyone who is willing to give them some extra attention.
While the different types and names of Goldendoodles may sound confusing, they are simply used to tell you more about the parents of the Goldendoodle so you can pick the right one for you.
If you are looking for a specific type of Goldendoodle, such as one who has more of the Poodle in them, then knowing that the F1BB Goldendoodle has a higher percentage of Poodle can be useful when you pick a breeder, for example.
A reputable breeder will be able to tell you more about the background and parents of the Goldendoodle you want to choose to help you come up with the right decision for your home.