Why Do Goldendoodles Have Sensitive Stomachs?
Many Goldendoodles are great dogs to bring to your home.
They like to spend time with everyone in the family, know how to have a lot of fun, and are friendly and intelligent.
Sometimes though, your dog may end up with a sensitive stomach and the pet owner has to figure out what is the cause and can help the dog feel comfortable.
But why does a Goldendoodle have a sensitive stomach?
Why Do Goldendoodles Have Sensitive Stomachs?
A Goldendoodle can have a sensitive stomach from the food they eat, an allergy, genetics, or because they eat too much. Recognizing the signs of a sensitive stomach and how to avoid it will make a big difference in the relief and comfort that your dog has.
No owner wants to find out that their Goldendoodle is suffering from a sensitive stomach.
It can make the dog feel miserable and is not that much fun for the owners either.
There are two main reasons why the Goldendoodle may have a stomach that is more sensitive compared to some of the other dog breeds.
The first reason is from the genes they get from their parents.
The first factor is something that the puppy will get when they are young and carry with them until they get older.
It is not likely to go away.

The second factor is one that will be developed later in life because of some of the foods that they are eating.
The Goldendoodle is able to build up an intolerance to some foods or the food that you give to them are not good on their stomach at all.
The dog can also have stomach issues from stress, food allergies, and the wrong ingredients in the food they eat.
A sensitive stomach is frustrating to dog owners sometimes.
It is hard to know what causes it or how you can be careful to make sure your dog does not get hurt.
The more knowledge you have about the causes of the sensitive stomach and the more you get used to it all, the easier it is to help your dog not deal with the problem.
Not all Goldendoodles have this sensitive stomach problem though.
You may have a Goldendoodle who seems capable of eating anything and everything all the time with no issues.
Other dogs may seem like they are sensitive to everything under the sun.
It is important to know more about your dog and to look for some of the common signs that come with a sensitive stomach so you can find it as soon as possible and give your dog some relief.
What are the Signs My Goldendoodle Has a Sensitive Stomach?
There are a number of different signs that your Goldendoodle is dealing with a sensitive stomach.
Some of these may include stomach cramps, weight loss, constipation, bloating, flatulence, mucus in the stool, diarrhea, and vomiting.
This is not an exhaustive list though and it is possible that your Goldendoodle is going to show signs that are not present on this list.
Of course, diarrhea and vomiting are pretty easy signs to spot.
When your dog is eating well, they will be able to digest their food well.
But when the stomach is compromised, either from not feeling good, having something once that irritated them, or because they have a sensitive stomach, this can end up causing them to throw up or have diarrhea too.
Sometimes the dog will vomit bile when their stomach is empty.
If this happens with your dog, you may want to give them smaller meals throughout the day.
Gas is another sign that you are likely to see with your dog when they are not having a happy stomach.
You should pay attention to see if the smell or the frequency of it is going to change.
If this persists, it is a sign that the stomach is sensitive, rather than a sign that the dog overindulged a bit at supper.
Bloating can be a big issue that you need to be careful about.
You may notice that the Goldendoodle’s tummy is swollen while being firm.

If this gets bad enough, the breathing can become labored and the dog will become lethargic.
A classic sign that this is happening is that the dog is doing dry retching so watch out for this.
Constipation is often enough to make the Goldendoodle uncomfortable.
Their stomachs are going to feel heavy and blocked and sometimes the dog will try to circle around and appear restless.
Some dogs are going to show distress and even cry.
They will likely not have an appetite when this is happening.
Because they do not feel good and are less likely to want to eat, weight loss can happen for a dog who has a sensitive stomach.
Stomach cramps are sometimes harder to notice because it is something that you are not able to see and the dog will not be able to tell you this is bothering them.
You will just need to spend some time watching them to notice what is wrong.
They may want to be in a quiet place and be alone from the noise.
It is possible that when they are dealing with cramps, you will hear some gurgling inside.
If these symptoms happen on their own and only happen one time, then this is nothing to worry about.
However, if you notice many of these symptoms together and they seem to be persistent over time, then it is time to investigate and see if this is more of a sensitive stomach kind of issue or not.
How to Treat a Sensitive Stomach in Your Goldendoodle
If the main issue with your Goldendoodle is a sensitive stomach that will not go away, it is time to find the right treatments that will make them feel better.
Treatment is often best given by a qualified vet, but there are some measures that you can take to prevent the problems and provide some relief.
First, make sure that you are feeding your Goldendoodle the right amount of food each day.
If they end up eating too much, this can make them overweight and may cause some issues with their stomachs as well.
Limit the treats they can have (though a few on occasion are fine), and keep track of how much they eat during the day.
Even when the Goldendoodle is giving you those eyes to get food off your plate, it is best to not give in and make them sick.
Sometimes switching out the food your dog eats will make a difference.
Some ingredients in the food may not be safe for your dog and changing it out will make a difference.
Do this slowly. Start with 25% of the new food mixed with 75% of the old food to see how your Goldendoodle is going to react to this new food.
You can slowly add some more into the mix until they are completely on the new food.
Switching the source of protein for the Goldendoodle can help.
For example, change from a chicken-based diet to a lamb-based diet to see how this works for your dog.
The dog may need more vitamins or minerals or they need extra fiber inside their diet.
Checking the label to make sure the food is high-quality and good for your Goldendoodle is important.
Some commercial dog foods are going to be too high in fat content, which can cause problems.
If you have tried to make a few changes to the diet your dog enjoys, it may be time to talk to their vet to see which changes are the best.
They may be able to offer some different diet options that are good and gentle on the stomach of your dog.
Keeping Your Dog Healthy
When it comes to your Goldendoodle, you want to make sure that you take care of them and avoid them getting a sensitive stomach that could hurt.
Your Goldendoodle does not like having an upset stomach that can hurt them and be uncomfortable.
Being careful about the types and amount of food they eat and watching whether there are certain ingredients that seem to annoy them is a great way to help make sure that your Goldendoodle is happy and healthy, without all the issues that come with a sensitive stomach.