Are Goldendoodles Big Chewers?
We love our Goldendoodle baby Lexie, which includes some of the behaviors we wish she didn’t have. Many people we have encountered over the years want to know if they like to chew things and how much. We can understand how, for any pup parent, this might be a cause for concern.
We have decided to offer what insight we have regarding this breed and their chewing habits.
Are Goldendoodles big chewers?
Are Goldendoodles big chewers? Yes, Goldendoodles are big chewers. Their preference for what they chew can vary from dog to dog, but they are very enthusiastic chewers.
Having a Goldendoodle that is a big chewer can be quite a surprise for a new pup, pet owners to this dog breed. Their adorable teddy bear appearance can be quite deceiving in that area, giving the impression they don’t suffer from harmful or destructive behaviors.
While chewing a lot is a puppy trait that many Goldendoodle owners assume will go away with age, it should not be ignored. During the early months of their life as a puppy, this behavior can be channeled or redirected to something else.
When the Goldendoodle is no longer a puppy, negative traits such as being a big chewer can be hard to change. Socializing and training are beneficial for the Goldendoodle in all areas of their life and can help with negative behaviors like chewing everything in sight.
Through loving, guidance, and plenty of mental stimulation, negative traits chewing, and even biting can be minimized, making life with a Goldendoodle much more enjoyable for everyone.
For those looking to become a pet parent to a Goldendoodle, understanding why Goldendoodles chew as well as what can be done will positively impact the relationship between parent and Goldendoodle.
Why do Goldendoodles chew?
Goldendoodles chew for a variety of reasons that can be linked to behavior and emotional health. Chewing can be looked at as a symptom or result of an underlying problem.
A Goldendoodle will be a big chewer during the puppy years as part of the natural growth process. As their body develops, they will chew a lot due to physical, mental, and emotional reasons.
When they are older, chewing is often a side effect of how they feel like a dog.
Often an adult Goldendoodle will chew because they are bored, lonely, needing attention, or suffering anxiety or stress.
We all suffer from loneliness, boredom, needing attention, and stress or anxiety from time to time; channeling this energy can help a Goldendoodle cope and create a more positive home environment.
Patience, understanding, and a loving hand must be given to promote good overall health, not just minimize the negative behavior.
The Goldendoodle dog breed is more likely to be big chewers because they suffer from separation anxiety.
Separation anxiety can cause them to act out when their loved ones have gone away for a time. Each dog is unique in how they expel this anxiety when their owner is away from them. The Goldendoodle will most often relieve this anxiety by chewing a lot.
Depending on the Goldendoodle and how long their loved ones are gone, chewing has the possibility of becoming destructive.
Is it healthy for a Goldendoodle to chew so much?
Yes, it can be healthy for a Goldendoodle or other dog breed to chew a lot. Chewing is something that dogs do, some more than others.
Chewing can help them expel emotions and feelings that they are unable to express to us humans fully.
Goldendoodles are big chewers; therefore, redirecting or channeling can make this breed trait more acceptable when they chew. By redirecting or channeling, they can learn what they can chew and what is not permitted.
This channeling and redirecting are a part of their training, which is hopefully done when they are a puppy.
It is essential to understand that even the most well behaved and highly trained Goldendoodle might have a bad day from time to time. Repetitive training throughout their life may be necessary.
What factors play into how much a Goldendoodle chews?
Many factors play into how much a Goldendoodle chews. Their emotional, mental, and physical health and age will factor strongly into how much they chew.
If they are a puppy, this is to be expected. That does not mean accepted but expected due to their development. Older dogs and seniors may chew due to physical, mental, and emotional issues.

Dogs aren’t able to speak our language. Their primary modes of communication include barking and body language, which can, unfortunately, involve chewing.
Another factor that can play heavily into Goldendoodles chewing habits includes the environment they live in. If this environment is stressful or chaotic, the Goldendoodle will likely react. They may respond by chewing a lot more or becoming destructive.
Creating a comfortable, positive, and loving home environment can have a positive impact on a Goldendoodle. This positive energy can help them feel their best and behave their best.
Knowing the individual Goldendoodle and their personality and temperament will help create the right environment.
One often overlooked area of a Goldendoodles life that can affect how much they chew is mental stimulation. Many pet parents remember the walk, and playtime in the yard, or tossing the ball. Sometimes we can forget that they also have a mind that needs to be stimulated.
When their mind is engaged, like humans, they are less likely to suffer from stress, nervousness, and anxiety.
Thankfully, some great toys on the market today stimulate their mind and promote mental health while allowing them to chew on and play with something.
What can help a Goldendoodle that chews a lot?
What can help a Goldendoodle that chews a lot is channeling and redirecting, creating the right home environment, and of course, proper training and socializing.
As early in their life as possible, the home environment should be comfortable, calm, loving, and positive. Of course, it should be dog friendly so that the Goldendoodle will feel at home in their home.
What is dog friendly? Dog friendly is welcoming to a dog. For the Goldendoodle, this might include a comfortable place to rest and sleep just for them. A dog crate or a comfy dog bed are perfect. This area should be in a quiet location where there are minimal distractions.
Dog friendly also means having lots of dog toys, especially for a Goldendoodle who is a big chewer. Having a bag of tricks that includes numerous interesting toys can prevent them from chewing other household items.
Changing up the toys every so often can keep them interested and entertained, which means they are less likely to get bored. These toys should include a few that are mentally stimulating to entertain their need for chewing and their mental health.
For Goldendoodles that suffer from anxiety when their family is away, having a ritual can help. Goldendoodles, like all dogs, respond better when they know what to expect. Therefore, creating a routine for when their loved ones leave the house can help them be more accepting.
This ritual will help them understand and accept what is happening with time and patience, knowing that their loved one will return. This situation doesn’t mean that they won’t chew or be destructive, but if the home is comfortable and entertained, it is less likely that the behaviors will be destructive.
As a parent, to a child, or Goldendoodle, preparation, a surprise bag of tricks, and a positive attitude can get any parent through any situation.
How do training and socializing help a Goldendoodle who is a big chewer?
Training and socializing help a Goldendoodle that is a big chewer by teaching them what is acceptable and not acceptable behaviors in their home.
Socializing is a passive way of learning. Through their littermates and mother, as well as other dogs, are the dog park, they learn how it’s done. This can sometimes be a positive experience and has the potential of being a negative experience depending on the situation.
Training will teach them acceptable behaviors in various situations, including home life. This training should begin as early as possible in their lives, preferably when they are puppies.
Once the initial training is done, the Goldendoodle will need a periodic, repetitive review of the rules throughout their lives. As a pet parent, these periodic reminders may seem unnecessary but help them remember what is expected concerning their chewing habits and other negative behaviors.
When a Goldendoodle is trained, their home life is harmonious. A ritual is implemented for trips away from home. They are redirected to a new chew toy, as necessary. Being a big chewer won’t be a big problem.
Patience and understanding are required, and a forgiving heart and gentle hand. We all learn and accept things differently, including the beloved Goldendoodle.
In conclusion
All dogs chew, the Goldendoodle included. While various factors can play into how much or what the Goldendoodle chews, it doesn’t have to be a stressful situation.
Behaviors can be modified or changed with the right mindset and tools; reminding ourselves how much we love them can go a long way to handling their chewing habits!