Can Mini Goldendoodles Hike?
This article is about the pros and cons of hiking with Mini Goldendoodles.
You’ve always had retrievers, even when you were a kid. Golden, Labrador, Chessie – it didn’t matter. You’d played fetch with them, hunted with them, hiked with them, and it was great.
And then this spring, at the pleading of your wife and kids, you got a mini goldendoodle. Those are inside dogs, right? Spoiled, curly-haired moochers. No more fun outdoor romps, you think.
But wait. Are mini goldendoodles that entitled? Can they catch a Frisbee, do they like to swim, will they fetch a duck?

Can Mini Goldendoodles Hike?
Can mini goldendoodles hike? Yes, Mini goldendoodles can hike. They can play. They can run, jump, swim, fetch, and do all the things that their golden retriever heritage would suggest they could. Poodles, the other half of the equation, are fairly active dogs as well, so it should come as no surprise that mini goldendoodles are active and athletic.
Just because mini goldendoodles can hike, should they? What about those mounds upon mounds of curly dog hair? Can you imagine getting that coat all muddy? What about ticks, cockleburrs, and beggar lice? Is this breed really suited for hiking?
Mini Goldendoodles: Canine Dynamos
Don’t let the curly locks and sweet boy looks fool you. This dog is a monster athlete. If he was a football running back, he’d be the one you give the ball to on third-and-four. mini goldendoodles not only display a lot of energy, but they also need to do that. It’s part of their constitution.
Its recommended that mini goldendoodles have at least 60 minutes of active play – running, playing, jumping, acting goofy – whatever – every day. And while they’re having all this fun, they need brain stimulation, so training is equally important, not only to you but to the dog as well. More about that later.
So, yes, from a purely physical standpoint, a mini goldendoodle can definitely go on a hike with you or a walk around the block. If you’re a jogger, you have a running buddy that can absolutely keep up with you, at least for modest distances. You probably will want to leave Goldy at home when you train for the half-marathon, however.
If your family goes a lot of places together, take your mini goldendoodle with you, if possible. A romp in the park or a day at the beach will be a heavenly excursion for him. In public places where there are a lot of people or other dogs, be sure to use a leash and take a poopy bag with you.

He’s a Mess! Don’t Let Him in the House!
As an active dog who loves to play outdoors, the mini goldendoodle will get dirty, muddy, gritty, filthy – all of that. But here’s the good news about that: it all washes off easily. Despite the dense coat and tight perm-curls, the mini goldendoodle cleans up really well. His skin produces oils that keep his coat moisturized, and to some extent, dirt-repellent.
Owners can help matters by keeping their doodles coat trimmed fairly short, and regular brushing is a must, not an option. If the dog’s hair is kept short, they need brushing only once every couple of weeks. At full length, it will be necessary to
Bonus Tip: 3 Must-Own Brushes for Pain-Free Doodle Care!
And forget bath time – the mini goldendoodle doesn’t need it. Certainly, there are emergency situations that demand soap and water, but for the most part, you can skip the bath.
There are a few other grooming considerations, such as:
- Teeth –
brush one to two times per week. (Best Toothbrushes To Buy) - Nails – Trim twice a month.
- Skin – Check for rashes, sores, or signs of infection.
- Ears – Check frequently and keep clean.
- Shedding – Not a serious problem with this breed.
- Allergies – Mini goldendoodles tend to be hypo-allergenic.
Training: Make it Fun
It has been said that a golden retriever puppy is the world’s cutest puppy – and the world’s dumbest. First off, that’s not true. And even if it was, the blend with a poodle – known for high intelligence and trainability – passes on the trait to the hybrid mini goldendoodle.
The mini goldendoodle learns the same way other dogs learn – through repetitive, consistent commands, praise, and rewards. They learn what their owner wants them to do, and they learn what their owner DOES NOT want them to do.
When you praise your doodle, be silly and giddy. Use a high pitched voice, and don’t be too proud to use “baby talk.” They respond extremely well to that tone. If you ever watch a police reality show that features a K-9 unit, listen to the way the officer praises his dog. “Goo-boi!” (good boy) they all seem to say.
On the other hand, if the dog misbehaves, a sterner tone should be used, one with declension and gravel. However, don’t use that tone for merely failing a training ritual. Use it when the dog defiantly misbehaves and exhibits true rebellion against your authority.
Part of the family
The mini goldendoodle loves people. He might be temporarily shy around strangers, but he will win most people over with his lovable charm.
Their family is their world. They tolerate rambunctious kids, quiet oldsters, and people who are nervous around pets as well as those who lovingly interact with them with pats on the head and belly rubs.
But sometimes they love too well. They mourn their families desperately when left alone in the house for long periods of time. They often wail and whine and suddenly forget their housebreaking. In extreme cases, they will chew on things they shouldn’t, and they have been known to rip apart sofa cushions in their angst.
Be aware of what happens with your mini goldendoodle when you leave the house. Modern security cameras can be of great benefit for this purpose. Here is a popular camera system on Amazon.
This will give you valuable insight and allow you to make whatever corrections are necessary. The mini goldendoodle is smart, and if given a chance, will begin to recognize the patterns of your comings and goings and will accept your absences more calmly.
Teddy Bear
A first-generation mini goldendoodle is the offspring of a male miniature poodle and a female golden retriever. (Doing it the other way around would endanger the life of the mother due to the size difference between the two breeds.)
The result is an irresistibly adorable puppy that looks like a teddy bear. The puppy will typically grow to a maximum height of 17 inches and will weigh between 15 and 30 pounds as an adult. Keep in mind that there are no absolutes regarding the size of the adult dog. As a hybrid breed, the dominant genes can sometimes manifest themselves in unexpected ways, resulting in an abnormally large or small adult dog.
Fading – the transition of the dog’s birth color to a lighter color – is common with the breed, as it is evident in both of the parent breeds.
Birth color Adult color
- Black Brown
- Brown Cream
- Red Apricot
As with the size, the color doesn’t necessarily follow expectations. In first-generation mini goldendoodles, the color and fade is more likely to mimic the coloring of the poodle parent. But there are no guarantees, and this lively breed, which is already full of surprises, may have another surprise in store when the color fades.
Buying a Mini Goldendoodle
Mini Goldendoodles are pricey, especially first-generation puppies. With such a high asking price, the temptation to over-breed is great. Shop around for respected breeders and be prepared to take a long automobile ride when you find one, as they are often few and far between.