Can You Be Allergic To Poodles? 4 Common Poodle Allergens
Who doesn’t love dogs? However, having allergies to pets is very common. One common question dog lovers ask is can you be allergic to Poodles. Having a dog as a member of your family can be a very special experience. But one concern that people have, particularly when they have small children and seniors at home, is whether dogs, like Poodles, cause health concerns.

Can you be allergic to Poodles?
Poodles are a breed of dogs that are defined as hypoallergenic. This means you have a low risk of being allergic to Poodles. That, however, doesn’t mean it is not possible to have allergic reactions if there are Poodles in the near vicinity, particularly for allergy-prone people.
In this guide, we will find out what hypoallergenic means and what are the characteristics that reduce the risk of allergies from Poodles.
As a canine lover, I own numerous dogs; some of them are classified as hypoallergenic, while others are not. As such, I can help you find out whether a Poodle is in the best interest of your family.
Is It Possible to Have Allergies From Poodles?
Poodles are considered to be hypoallergenic. This means that Poodles give you the least health concerns when it comes to dander, saliva, and urine – three of the most common causes of allergies from pets.
However, this does not mean that Poodles are 100% non-allergenic – this type of dog does not exist. Poodles are least likely to give you allergies. Most of the time, it really depends on how your Poodle behaves (excessive scratching of coat, licking, etc.) that can trigger allergies. Typically, though, people do not have allergies to Poodles.
Why are Poodles At Low Risk of Causing Allergies?
There are certain traits that Poodles have that result in a low risk of allergies for humans. These include:
Coat Traits

There are several tell-tale signs of a dog living in one’s home. Most of the time, you will see fur everywhere from the couches in the living room to the floor in the kitchen.
Many dogs have long fur and shed their coats often. This can result in a mess in your home and can be disastrous for people who have allergies.
Poodles, on the other hand, have a thick and dense coat with curling hair. Like other dogs that shed hair every three to four days, Poodles only shed a few strands of hair every few weeks. Since their coat is thick and curly, many shed strands also get trapped in the curls and do not fall on your furniture or clothing.
Since Poodles do not shed their hair frequently, this is the reason why they need their coats trimmed while other dog breeds don’t.
Another big cause of allergies is dander. This is dried flakes of skin and protein matter that sheds from a dog. In fact, the protein in dander is also found in a dog’s urine and saliva.
Dander can trigger allergies since it can spread throughout your home easily if the Poodle sheds its hair, scratches itself or grooms itself. The dander will then stick to any available surface on your home.
However, it can also become airborne very easily and may float in the air of your home for a long time. In fact, it can remain in the dust in your home for up to six months.
Unlike many other dog breeds, Poodles have low levels of dander and much of the dander is caught in their curly coat. When grooming your Poodle, you can easily
A lot of people are also allergic to dog saliva. The good news is that Poodles only have a low tendency to drool. Unlike Poodles, though, dogs like pugs drool a lot.
This is just another great aspect of the Poodle that makes it hypoallergenic and just a wonderful choice for a pet for people who are concerned about hygiene.
Poodles are highly intelligent dogs which is the reason why pet owners love these furbabies. Poodles can be a joy to train and can learn faster and more easily than many other dog breeds. This can come in very handy if you want to teach your Poodle to stop licking or not urinating all over the place.
Although most people do not consider it significant, even training like this can make a difference and reduce the chances of allergies.
How Can You Eliminate the Risk of Allergic Reactions From Poodles?
Although allergies from Poodles are not common, they sometimes do occur and there is no fool-proof way to prevent them from happening, short of giving away your Poodle. After all, you cannot avoid exposure from your Poodle at all times in your own home because why bother getting the dog in the first place?
Fortunately, there may be some measures that can minimize the symptoms of allergic reactions.
Using Medication
If you are having allergies because of your Poodle, you should talk to your doctor and find out how to control the symptoms. Your doctor may recommend you take antihistamines or nasal sprays, eye drops, or barrier balms.
Keep in mind, though, that you might not get 100% relief from these treatments either. It might take some time and you might have to do some trial and error before you discover a treatment that sticks.
With these treatments, you will still have allergies but will be able to mask the symptoms. Hence, they can be effective if you only have mild allergies.
Trying Immunotherapy
If you have moderate to severe allergies due to your Poodle, your doctor may prescribe allergy injections, which can desensitize your immune systems to your Poodle. There are claims that with immunotherapy, the symptoms of the allergy will be eliminated in a couple of months.
Ensuring Pet Grooming
Since Poodles have curly and thick coats that trap shed hair, they can form mats, particularly around the armpits, groin area, and behind the ears.
Brushing your Poodle outside of the house and trimming its coat regularly will help you get rid of pet hair and dander. You should also attempt to bathe your Poodle at least twice a week to reduce allergies.
Creating a Pet-free Zone
There should always be some areas in your home that should be pet-free. The children’s nursery and the kitchen are some of the places where your Poodle should not be allowed to enter; however, you can also designate other places as pet-free zones to reduce exposure to your Poodle.
Performing Home Cleaning
Make sure you keep your home as clean as possible. Get in the habit of using a vacuum with a HEPA filter that can catch particles and hair from all surfaces of your home.
Wash your dog’s bedding and other linen the pooch has access to with hot water in the washer. If the Poodle has urinated on bedding, we recommend you throw it away. To improve the air quality in your home, invest in a good quality air purifier.
How To Determine If Your Allergies Are Triggered By Your Poodle?
If you experience a flare up of allergic symptoms whenever you are with your Poodle, then chances are that it is causing you allergies. To be completely sure, there are a few tests you can do:
Skin Prick Test
This is the most common form of allergy testing. A drop of the allergen mixed with water is placed on your forearm. The skin of your forearm will then be pricked. If an allergic reaction occurs, the skin will turn red or develop a weal in a few minutes.
Blood Testing
This is a simple blood test. A blood sample will be taken from you and checked for specific antibodies.
In some cases, some people report that they had mild allergies in the beginning when they got their Poodle but have since then built a tolerance. This can happen, although these people may still react to other animals.
If you suspect you have allergies to pets, then you need to be sensible and take into account your health needs. If you experience difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, a swollen throat or dizziness, it is important that you get to a doctor as soon as possible.