10 Ways To Deworm A Puppy Naturally
Worms are a regular nuisance that all dog owners must deal with because worms are inevitable. Here is how to deworm a puppy naturally.

What are some natural ways to deworm a puppy at home?
Some of the best natural remedies for deworming puppies include feeding them certain fruits and vegetables, pumpkin seeds, cloves, papaya, and turmeric. A natural dewormer builds a strong immune system, enabling your puppy’s antibodies to attack and naturally destroy worms.
From reading, consulting with puppy owners, and my personal experience, I discovered that natural dewormers are proven through studies. As most experts suggest, holistic approaches and the correct administration works wonders. Read on and learn about the natural ways to deworm your puppy.
How to Deworm a Puppy Naturally
Deworming regularly is vital as it keeps your puppy happy and healthy. It would be best to start deworming as soon as your puppy is around two to three weeks old.
These natural dewormers are a much safer option, as conventional drugs may carry unforeseen side effects
Ideally, some worms can be passed on from puppies to humans and vice versa. Therefore, establishing a puppy deworming schedule ensures the safety of your loved ones as well.
Below are the ten most effective ways to deworm a puppy naturally.
1. Vegetables and Fruits
Vegetables act as dewormers because they are rich in fiber. Vegetables work well as they boost the puppy’s immune system and help terminate the worms.
Adding vegetables to your puppy’s diet improves their gut health. Alternatively, you can opt to use fermented vegetables as they are a great natural dewormer for puppies.
Fruits, on the other hand, can gently rub the lining of puppies’ intestines through their texture and dislodge worms. Ensure to chop the fruits and incorporate them into your puppy’s diet.
2. Pumpkin Seeds
Pumpkin seeds contain an amino acid called cucurbitacin, which acts as an effective deworming agent. Cucurbitacin works by paralyzing the worms; hence they are easily eliminated from the intestines.
You can grind your pumpkin seeds or feed them whole to treat your puppy. Experts recommend one teaspoon of raw pumpkin seeds for 10lbs body weight twice daily.
3. Turmeric
Turmeric is another effective natural dewormer. Like pumpkin seeds, turmeric contains the anti-parasitic agent Curcumin.
Curcumin in turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties, and it works to heal and soothe puppies’ intestines from the damage done by the worms.
Giving your puppy ¼ teaspoon of turmeric per 10lbs of body weight would be best. However, you should avoid giving turmeric to anemic puppies as it can further thin blood.

4. Coconut Oil
Coconut oil is known for its many health benefits, but it also helps to eliminate tapeworms and roundworms in puppies’ digestive systems.
Organic, virgin coconut oil works best for deworming. It helps maintain a healthy gut and heals the damage caused by worms to the intestines.
When introducing coconut oil to your puppy, start gradually with ¼ to a teaspoon per 10lbs of body weight. Note that too much coconut oil leads to loose stools.
5. Grapefruit Seeds
Although it is not common to most dog owners, grapefruit seeds eliminate parasites in puppies. These seeds contain antifungal, anti-viral, and anti-bacterial properties.
The active ingredients in grapefruit seeds are efficient immune system boosters. Thankfully, you can pulverize these seeds to obtain the extract.
Adding the extract to your pup’s food is the simplest way through which you can administer grapefruit. The dosage can be between one to five drops per 10lbs of body weight. It would help if you introduced grapefruit gradually.
6. Garlic
Mixing a little raw garlic with your puppy’s food boosts their immune system. One garlic clove per 30lbs of body weight is good for a start.
Raw garlic effectively kills intestinal worms, including the single-cell parasites resulting in Giardia. To accelerate the effectiveness of garlic, crush it and let it sit for at least 10 minutes before adding it to your puppy’s food.
Always remember that too much garlic can cause stomach upsets and can be toxic in extreme cases.
7. Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is among the most effective natural dewormers for puppies. This type of vinegar works by creating a more alkaline environment in the digestive system. Therefore, worms and parasites are less attracted to the puppies’ stomachs.
You can use unfiltered, raw, or organic apple cider vinegar. The right dosage to give is one teaspoon per 10lbs daily. You can mix it with their food for easier administration.
8. Papaya
Papaya seeds are a great remedy for eliminating worms. These seeds contain papain, an enzyme that is effective in combating worms.
You can grind the seeds and mix them with your puppy’s food. One teaspoon of ground papaya seeds per 10lbs body weight should work for every puppy.
Be sure not to overdose on your pup as it harms them.
9. Cloves
Whether your puppy has tapeworms or roundworms, cloves have anti-inflammatory properties that combat all these parasites.
Cloves have a uterine stimulant that clears worms in the intestines. You should only add a teaspoon of crushed cloves to your puppy’s food once a week.
10. Wormwood
Wormwood is a popular herb known for its ability to extract worms. This herb contains several compounds like thujone, isothujone, and sesquiterpene lactones, which kill parasites.
You can make wormwood into a tincture or tea and add it to the puppy’s food or water. One teaspoon per 10lbs should be enough.
However, note that excessive use of wormwood can irritate your pup’s kidney and liver. You should avoid it if your puppy has kidney issues or liver disease.
What are the Symptoms that Your Puppy Has Worms?
It is vital to look out for signs and symptoms of worms in your puppy. Once the symptoms have started being visible, the issue has already progressed.
Here are some common symptoms of puppy worms:
- A distended abdomen
- Chronic coughing
- Lethargy
- Weight loss accompanied by loss of appetite
- Diarrhea
- Inflammation of the skin. The skin might be irritable too
- Loss of hair and dulling of the coat
- Presence of visible worms on the puppy’s stool
- The puppy might start dragging their hindquarters while walking.
What Follows After Deworming
You’ve treated your puppy holistically for worms. What next? You will want to keep an eye on them to ensure that the worms have been combated fully.
Next, introduce a worm control plan. If you cannot come up with one, your veterinarian should be able to assist you. The vet will recommend a worm control appropriate for your puppy’s living area, depending on their breed.
Since paying for your puppy’s worm control routine may be costly, consider using the above incredible natural ways.
Key Takeaways
- Your young furry friend is a curious animal who likes to explore the world with their noses and mouth. This makes them vulnerable to intestinal worms. Moreover, you do not have to visit the vet as you can use effective natural remedies to combat the worms.
- Before deworming your puppy, be on the lookout for symptoms that indicate the presence of worms.
- Note that deworming products act differently and might generate different reactions in your puppy. To avoid this, administer the recommended dosage.
- Whenever you have doubts about whether or not to deworm your puppy, it is best to seek professional assistance.