Do Goldendoodles Breathe Fast (Is it healthy?)
Between puppy-loving kisses and peaceful naps, you might notice that your Goldendoodle seems to be breathing fast, and you might be able to even hear it. Is this typical of Goldendoodles, or is your dog having an issue you should be concerned about?

How fast should my Goldendoodle breathee?
Goldendoodles normally breathe between 25 and 40 breaths a minute. If your Goldendoodle is breathing above 40 breaths per minute in a resting position, it may be breathing faster than normal because of a health issue. If fast breathing persists, take them to the vet.
To find out if Goldendoodles naturally breathe fast, we need to look at what is considered normal, as well as why dogs pant and how it relates to their breathing. Your dog may have other reasons for breathing fast, including more serious health issues.
What is Considered Fast?
Before we can answer the questions as to whether your Goldendoodle is breathing faster than normal, we need to look at what a normal breathing rate is.
For most Goldendoodles, a normal breathing rate is between 15-40 breaths per minute. Your dog may be breathing faster than normal if it is breathing more than 40 breaths per minute. However, if it is a little bit higher or lower, do not be alarmed. Just like your breathing rate changes when you walk up the stairs and throughout the day, your Goldendoodles breathing rate is subject to change throughout the day.
Be aware of your Goldendoodles panting, and if you are concerned about fast breathing, do a check and count your dog’s breaths as you time it for a minute.
Goldendoodles breaths per minute have been known to get to 100 breaths per minute or more. If this is the case, see the contributing factors for very fast breathing.
Purpose of Panting
You may have first noticed your Goldendoodle’s fast breathing by its panting. Panting is a normal part of a dog’s day every day. While humans sweat to cool down, often when it is hot or after physical exercise, dogs do not sweat. Instead, they pant to cool down, which is accompanied by heavy breathing.

If your dog has been running around, barking, or the temperature is warm, they may pant and breathe at a quicker rate than normal to cool themselves off. If you are concerned about your Goldendoodle’s fast breathing, take note of these things first. If they are prevalent, the odds are you have nothing to worry about.
If your dog is cool and rested but continues to breathe very fast or loud, you may want to look into it more.
Contributing Factors for Fast Breathing
If you have come to the conclusion that your Goldendoodle is breathing faster than normal, you are going to want to know why! Goldendoodles do tend to be prone to fast and heavy breathing, sometimes for serious health issues, and others simply because of this breed’s disposition. Let’s take a look at several of the reasons why your Goldendoodle is breathing fast.
High Energy Levels: You know your dog best, if fast breathing is normal for your Goldendoodle and it appears to be healthy and happy, maybe there isn’t much to worry about. Goldendoodles are naturally high in energy and excitement. They are energetic and love to play. These personality traits alone may contribute to your Goldendoodle’s fast breathing alone.
Anxiety: Goldendoodles are known for being fiercely loyal. They love to be around people and love to please their masters. However, Goldendoodles are prone to anxiety, especially separation anxiety. If you leave your dog alone often, it may experience anxiety, increasing nervousness, heart rate, and breath rate. New places and people can also contribute to anxiety in your Goldendoodle.
Trauma: Trauma is also a cause for nervousness, skittishness, and increased breathing rate in Goldendoodles. If your Goldendoodle has been adopted or experienced some form of trauma or abuse, this may be a large contributing factor for its fast breathing.

Anemia: Anemia is a condition in which there are not enough healthy red blood cells in the body. This means there is also less oxygen and a dog will pant and breath more often to provide sufficient oxygen to the body. Other signs for anemia include pale gums, eyes, or ears, loss of appetite, vomiting, and weight loss. If you suspect your Goldendoodle has anemia, take it to the vet for treatment.
Congestive Heart Failure: Fast breathing is a symptom of congestive heart failure, which is when the heart cannot pump an adequate amount of blood throughout the body. It prevents the lungs from expanding and producing oxygen, increasing your dog’s breaths per minute.
Other signs include fatigue, swollen belly, crackling sound in the lungs, and persistent coughing. This should be treated by a vet immediately and can be life-threatening to your dog.
Cushing’s disease: Cushing’s disease is caused by the release of too much cortisol in dogs. This puts dogs at risk for kidney damage, diabetes, and other illnesses.
Fast breathing and shortness of breath are symptoms of this disease including frequent urination, hair loss, muscle weakness, and thinning skin. Similar to congestive heart failure, Cushing’s disease should be treated immediately by a vet to prevent further damage.
Calming Your Goldendoodle
If your Goldendoodle appears stressed and is breathing quickly, try helping it calm down and relax. There are several things you can try to slow the breathing of your Goldendoodle and help it be comfortable.

Goldendoodles may be able to experience less anxiety by spending time with owners, training, exercising, and giving them treats. Be gentle with your Goldendoodle and avoid punishing it. Petting your Goldendoodle and brushing it may help it feel safe and loved.
Making sure your Goldendoodle gets lots of time to play and exercise will help it to be calmer at home. They must get out their wiggles! Lowering the temperature and letting them rest are also ways to reduce fast breathing.
If you have tried several of these methods and your Goldendoodle continues to have a fast or very fast heart rate, you should look for other symptoms described above and take it to the vet in case of serious health conditions.