Do Mini Goldendoodles Bark A Lot?
When you’re searching for the dog that will be just right for you and your home, you’re probably looking for one that is friendly, loving, and quiet. The first two of those traits are much easier to come by, but unfortunately, the last one isn’t as common. Dogs are definitely one of the higher energy pets you can bring home, so finding one that doesn’t cause too much noise is important, especially for those living in an apartment or who have neighbors.
Goldendoodle breeds are considered fairly quiet pets who don’t usually bark much. Their parents, the golden retriever and the poodle are not very vocal either. However, no matter the breed, each dog is different. Some may bark more than the others within their breed and might require bark training.
Oftentimes, when a dog barks a lot, it’s easy to take it as just an annoying thing they do. It’s good to remember that barking is a dog’s way of communicating with us, and they need us to listen to them, especially if it’s not in their character to bark a lot. But how are we supposed to know what they’re trying to tell us?
Why Does My Dog Bark?
Has a pet or animal ever interacted with you with a certain look in their eye, and you wished they could talk so you knew what they were thinking or trying to say? Well, the good news is, animals can talk! They unfortunately just don’t speak our language.
Your pet is always communicating with you through their body language, facial expressions, physical touch (or the lack of it), and their voice. One of the best things an owner can do for their pet is to learn and work towards understanding what their dog is trying to tell them.
Most Goldendoodles are not barkers. Dr. Benjamin Colburn, DVM said, “I have never thought to myself while talking to a client that ‘this Goldendoodle is barking so much I can’t think!’ I surprisingly think this pretty often with other breeds.” (source) Although, this does not mean they won’t bark ever. If your dog usually doesn’t bark but suddenly does, here is a list of reasons they may be doing so.
Protecting Their Territory
All dogs, even the small and non-intimidating ones, are very territorial.
Many dogs will bark when anything is entering their territory, such as a mailman, delivery man, passers-by, or visitors. Some dogs may appear more aggressive when asserting their dominance in the home this way by growling or making themselves bigger to ward off any perceived threats to their territory.
This is their way of letting others know they’re the boss in that place. This is also why dogs won’t bark in this way in public places because it’s a neutral area where they don’t live.
A territorial bark will be very loud and dominant sounding, and they usually won’t stop barking until the supposed threat has gone away. They will be very alert and focused on whatever they’re barking at, in a broad stance with the ears and tail up.
In a lot of these cases, dogs will be barking at non-dangerous things like birds on the ground or neighbors on a walk. However, you can never be too safe. Your dog could be warning you of something outside that you should be aware of.
Anxiety or Fear
Dogs can be very brave in a lot of situations, but this does not mean they don’t get scared sometimes. There are many situations that can cause dogs to feel afraid. A small dog in a group of bigger, more aggressive animals can cause them to feel trapped, insecure, or in danger.
An owner who yells or makes sudden movements, or is abusive towards the pet can cause cowering, hiding, and nervousness. Some pets who have separation anxiety or abandonment issues from a past or current owner who leaves them alone too often can feel insecure when no one else is home.
A scared or anxious dog will usually make themselves smaller rather than bigger, with their head and ears down and tail low or between their legs. Their bark may sound similar to their defensive, territorial bark with some low growling and long warning sounds.
A dog will most often bark when they’re feeling very excited, whether it be food, a toy, a walk, or their favorite human returning home. This is their way of expressing how happy and ecstatic they are, and they just can’t help but let it out. These barks are easier to identify.
They will be loud, short, and they may even howl happily. Look for a wagging tail, upright ears, and maybe even some twirling or jumping.
In Need of Attention, Food, or a Bathroom Trip
This is another signal owners need to be able to tell apart from the others. Dogs will bark or whine to get your attention when they may be needing attention or affection, when they’re hungry and need food, or when they need to be taken outside to go to the bathroom.
It’s important that owners not take this as just an annoying sound. They are trying to communicate with you, and tell you how they’re feeling. This is a perfect opportunity to listen and have a better connection with your pet by showing them you will take care of them.
This bark will be short and will have longer pauses between each bark. They will often be following you around or sitting at your feet while staring at you.
They may be trying to take you to whatever they are in need of, such as their food or the front door. Be sure to practice being quiet when they have your attention so the barking doesn’t continue. Train them to know when it’s appropriate to speak or bark and when you want them to be quiet or still.
It never feels good to be bored, especially for dogs. To dogs, boredom feels like being locked inside the house with no lights on for several days.
They need to be stimulated and entertained regularly so they stay happy, healthy, and even relaxed. Make sure your dog is getting plenty of exercise and outside time, so they feel energized and free from the walls of the house.
They need to feel connected to those around them, so get on the floor and play with them every day too. If a dog becomes too bored, it may resort to more destructive behaviors than barking, such as digging at the carpet, chewing on furniture, or becoming more aggressive towards others.
A boredom bark will sound similar to an attention-seeking bark, long or short with a longer pause in between. They will probably follow you around, stare at you, and will look ready to play or get out of the house and do something.