Do Mini Goldendoodles Have Separation Anxiety?

If you are out to get a small dog with the most loveable features and personality, then a mini Goldendoodle is probably exactly what you are looking for. These small dogs have plushy, curly coats, plenty of energy, and are all-around some of the best companions a dog lover could ever ask for. But, this does not mean mini doodles are without their issues; could one of those issues be separation anxiety?
Mini Goldendoodles can suffer from separation anxiety. Anxiety is a potential characteristic for most, if not all Goldendoodles, though mini doodles are the most susceptible to it. However, anxiety is not a definite for every dog, and the level of severity will vary.
Separation anxiety is never a fun thing to have to deal with, but if you know what you’re dealing with, you can come to the party equipped. Below you will find a few ways to deal with your pup’s anxiety as well as some pros and cons of owning a mini doodle. These tips will help to prepare you for ownership and all its challenges.
Separation Anxiety: Causes and Cures
It can sometimes be difficult to pin down an exact cause for a mini doodle’s separation anxiety. As mentioned before, mini Goldendoodles often suffer from it in part because they are on the smaller end of the size spectrum, and in part because the Goldendoodle breed in and of itself is often susceptible to separation anxiety.
Goldendoodles are pack dogs and social dogs, so leaving them alone can make them feel anxious. Small dogs tend to be higher-anxious dogs in general. Larger Goldendoodles will usually only struggle with separation anxiety during puppyhood. As they grow older, they will leave a great deal of this anxiety behind them.
A few indicators of separation anxiety include excessive noise and destruction. If your dog starts to drool, whine, and bark a lot, that may mean they are feeling anxious about something. You may also notice that every time you get home your doodle has found something new to chew on and tear up. This is a likely indicator of anxiety.
Hopefully, easing your mini doodle’s anxiety won’t take too long for both your sake and your dog’s sake. Here are a few things you can try to help ease that process along.
First of all, make sure you are taking your doodle on an adequate number of walks. Plenty of exercise will prevent a Goldendoodle from getting jumpy and or depressed. Exercise can also help keep them from having brutal anxiety attacks.

You may also have to work with your Goldendoodle a little bit to ease their anxiety. Some dogs will start to get agitated when they see their owner showing signs of leaving. Some of these signs include getting dressed in work clothes, grabbing your keys, and putting on shoes. Any of these things could be enough to send your dog into a panic.
To help disassociate these indicators with your leaving, you can try varying your approach/routine. For instance, try putting on your shoes and then sitting down on the couch for a half-hour. You could also grab your keys and leave for a minute or two and then come right back into the house.
Any of these things (in different variations) could help your dog to disassociate them with your leaving and will desensitize them to any future indicators. Depending on the severity of your mini doodle’s anxiety, you could also take them to a professional. This will help you to get the problem solved sooner than later, plus it’ll help your dog rest a lot easier.
Mini Goldendoodles: The Pros and Cons
Now that you have an idea of how to help your pup, you may want to know whether getting a Goldendoodle is, in fact, the right thing for you. Knowing a few pros and cons of mini Goldendoodles will help you to make the best and most informed choice!
Mini Goldendoodles tend to bond closely with their owners. You won’t find a more dedicated or loyal dog anywhere. This also makes them great companions for kids. Small dogs are often reputed for being yappy and temperamental, but truthfully, mini doodles are pretty good with little ones. Getting one would be a great choice!
Mini doodles, like other Goldendoodles, are hypoallergenic and non-shedders. Not only does this mean you won’t have to
Because of their small size, mini Goldendoodles are easy and fun to take with you on trips. They don’t eat as much as larger Goldendoodles, plus, it’s much easier to fit them in the car. Whether they’re riding on your lap or in a portable crate, you are in for a fun trip with your little furry friend by your side.

Sadly, all these great qualities come at a steep price. Mini Goldendoodles (and Goldendoodles in general) are quite expensive. First, you’ll have to pay anywhere from $1,500 to $3,000 to buy one. Then, when you pile on the costs of grooming, vet visits, dog food, and other expenses, you will be left with a king-size bill to pay. While some may find it to be well worth the cost, others may feel that it’s a bit too high to be worth it.
Mini Goldendoodles are smaller and thus have less hair to contend with. But, just because they’re easier to care for than bigger Goldendoodles does not mean they are a perfect breeze to care for. Goldendoodles have curly, shaggy coats that can be tricky to deal with. They tangle easily and can make it hard for you (or even a groomer) to
Despite the potential for separation anxiety in Goldendoodles and their other drawbacks, they will make some of the best friends you’ve ever had. So long as you give them proper attention and see to their needs, your Goldendoodle shouldn’t suffer from major anxiety.