How Long Can Labradoodles Be Left Alone?
If you have a Labradoodle or any dog for that matter, you might be wondering how long you can leave them alone while you are at work or running errands.
Knowing how long your Labradoodle can be left alone is crucial so you know how to plan your days.
You might also want to consider making some lifestyle changes so your pup is never left alone for too long.
How Long Can Labradoodles Be Left Alone?
Labradoodles are very social dogs and do not like being left alone. They would prefer to be around you than alone. However, you will need to leave your dog alone sometimes as that’s life. It’s not a good idea to leave them alone for more than 3-4 hours. If you can’t be with them this often, you might want to consider hiring a dog walker.
With a busy work schedule and other things going on around your house in your life, there are some days when it will be necessary to leave your dog alone for extended periods of time.
In this article, we will go over how to best take care of your dog if you have to leave them alone as well as alternative options for when you might be gone during the day.
What Could Go Wrong If I Leave My Labradoodle Alone for Too Long?
There are a few things that can go wrong if your Labradoodle is left alone for too long and you need to be aware of them.
If you notice bad behavior starting or you think there are destructive behaviors going on, you might need to take a step back and think about how you can change your schedule to make sure you are around the dog more.
If you leave your Labradoodle alone for too long, you might come home to destroy furniture or poop around the house.
You might also find shoes and clothes around the house or items buried under couch cushions.
These are all signs that your dog has been left alone for too long.
Labradoodles are prone to bad behaviors when they feel anxious or bored, so you need to make sure they are occupied when left alone so they are less inclined to destroy your home.
What Should I Do If I Need to Leave My Labradoodle Alone?

Before leaving your Labradoodle alone, follow these steps and tricks to keep your dog and home safe from destruction.
Understand the Dangers
If your dog is left alone for too long, they might start acting out and acting ill towards you when you come back home.
If your dog holds in their urine for too long, it can also cause them to have urinary tract infections or other health problems.
You might want to consider creating a place for them to use the bathroom inside the house, such as a small grass pad or potty pads.
This will allow them to relieve themselves without waiting for you to come home.
You might need to do some extra training for them to do this though.
Make Sure to Leave them Toys
Make sure your dog has their toys around when they are left alone.
Try to get them stimulating toys or toys they can chew for long periods of time.
This will keep them occupied and they will take longer to notice you haven’t been home for a long time.
TV and Music
Many dog owners find that turning the music or TV on will help their dogs feel more at ease when they are home alone.
There are even some special YouTube channels for dogs where they will be stimulated by the noises and pictures.
Hire a Dog Walker
You might want to consider getting a dog walker for some or all of the days that are you gone for long periods of time.
You can use a neighbor if you have one that you trust or you can ask a friend or relative nearby.
If you don’t have a neighbor or friend, try getting online with a local dog-walking service.
Make sure you meet the dog walker and see how they interact with your dog before leaving them alone together.
Trusting the person is key as they will need to have a key to your house and they will be alone in your home with the dog.
Do Labradoodles Suffer From Separation Anxiety?
Yes, Labradoodles suffer from separation anxiety when left alone for more than 8 hours or if they are left alone every day for extended periods of time.
Ideally, you should not leave them alone for more than 3-4 hours when they are adults.
If you have a puppy, they can only be left alone for one hour for each month of their age.
For newborn puppies, do not leave them alone for more than an hour unless they are still with their mother.
Older Labradoodles are also more prone to getting separation anxiety because they may be suffering from health complications.
If you leave them alone while they are in pain, they may feel extra lonely and uncared for.
This can also cause relationship problems between you and your dog.
Keep in mind that the severity of your lab’s separation anxiety will depend on how often you leave them alone and also how you raised them.
If they have been alone for some hours every day since they were puppies, they will probably have an easier time being alone for long hours.
If you suddenly start leaving your puppy alone for long periods of time and you used to be home with them all the time, they might be more likely to show destructive behaviors.
How Do I Know If My Labradoodle Has Separation Anxiety?
You can usually tell by their mood when you get home. They might be overly clingy whenever you are home and start to get distressed when they see you grabbing your purse or keys as they know these things mean you are leaving.
It’s normal for dogs to seem a little sad when you are leaving, but they should not appear distressed or cry. Panting and drooling can also point to separation anxiety.
You might also notice that the furniture has been chewed or they have got into things they shouldn’t have.
You might also hear your neighbors complain of excessive barking or crying from the dog.
Rescue Labradoodles or ones that come from abusive homes are usually more prone to separation anxiety.
Getting Help with Separation Anxiety
The good news is that the anxiety can be treated, especially by rebuilding the confidence the dog has in you.
You need to be dedicated to the process though as it may take time for your dog to trust you again and feel like they won’t be abandoned.
Professional behaviorists for dogs can also help if you are unsure how to tackle the problem on your own.
Ask your vet for suggestions on behaviorists so you can make sure you get a professional and reliable one.
All professional behaviorists should go through rigorous training, and they should have proof of a certificate and a website to show their training and past experiences.
To build back trust, you need to start leaving your dog alone for smaller and shorter periods of time.
If you are using a dog walker, see that your dog sees you with the dog walker a few times before you leave them alone with a stranger.
How Long Can a Labradoodle Stay in a Crate?
If you are leaving your dog alone, you might be leaving them in a crate rather than letting them have free range of the house.
Adult dogs shouldn’t be left in their crate for more than 6-8 hours. This is the maximum amount of time, and it should not be done every day.
Most vets recommend you don’t leave your dog in the crate for more than a few hours.
Puppies will act out when crated for too long, so try not to keep them in the crate for more than 2 hours. The crate also needs to be the right size if you are going to leave them in it.
They should be able to stand, turn around, stretch, and lay down in the crate.
Crates that are too small can be bad for their physical and emotional health.
As you crate train them, start with small intervals and gradually increase the time.
Puppies that have been trained with crates usually adjust to them quicker and won’t mind being left in the crate for short times.
If your dog is already an adult though, you might find leaving them in the crate especially hard.
Final Thoughts
Labradoodles can only be left alone for short periods of time and should not be left alone every day as they are prone or separation anxiety and destructive behavior.
If you are leaving them alone, make sure they have toys and music to keep them busy.
You might also want to consider making an indoor potty area.