4 Signs Your Puppy Has Fleas & How To Treat Your Puppy Safely
Puppies are prone to flea infestation at any time. However, keeping them at bay with a few preventive measures is possible. Puppies are pretty delicate and can be a handful to deal with. In addition, any minor attack by pests and diseases can compromise their health. Fortunately, with attention and good grooming, pet owners can always correctly take care of their puppies. So, let’s look at how to know if a puppy has fleas.

How can you tell if a puppy has fleas?
Check for certain signs to know when your puppy has fleas, such as increased scratching, changing of the fur, flea dirt, and bite marks on the puppy. However, it takes paying attention to notice these things. So check your puppy’s fur frequently and observe any drastic behavior changes.
But why is it important to take note of flea infestation? Fleas are parasites that make the puppy uncomfortable and trigger other serious health concerns, especially when left unattended. Remember to remain vigilant if you want your puppy to thrive and be strong.
This takes deliberate action on your side as the pet owner. Invest in suitable measures, including but not limited to proper and adequate grooming techniques. Keep reading to learn more about puppies and flea attacks.
How do Puppies Get Fleas?
Fleas do not come from the blues. Most dogs and puppies get fleas when they come into contact with other flea-infested animals. These include both domestic and wild animals.
A flea-infested environment can also lead to your puppies getting infested. This means you must be careful when allowing your puppies to hang out with other dogs and animals. It also matters where you take them for walks and plays.
If possible, ensure you are selective with their playmates and play areas. Better still, apply flea repellents when going to places you are unsure of. It is best to reduce the possibilities of a flea infestation as much as possible.
Fleas are strong and tend to climb from the environment to the host’s body. Therefore, they are one of the worst pests that can infest any animal. Fortunately, they are not impossible to deal with, primarily if you identify and work on them fast enough before they cause havoc.
What are the Symptoms indicating that Your Puppy Has Fleas?
You may have noticed that your dog scratches itself, bites the nails, and then resumes scratching again. This is a major red flag when it comes to flea infestation. However, it is not a guarantee, and one needs to observe closely to know for sure.
Fortunately, all it takes is being more observant and checking out this infestation’s signs and possibilities. One of the significant signs is the biting habit and sometimes hair loss in certain parts of their body. Below are a few highlighted symptoms you should always look for if you suspect a flea infestation.

Itchy Skin
You can tell that your puppy is struggling with itchy skin by how they behave. For example, they may constantly bite the affected areas of their skin and irritate or cause the place to scab. If you notice this, you should consider checking the specific areas.
Fleas love to infest your puppy, commonly including the groin area and underarms. These are warm and comfortable hence an excellent attraction for fleas.
Your puppy’s skin may also exhibit redness and bumpiness due to constant itching and scratching. Sometimes you may see a few adult fleas trying to scatter or jump around. It is also possible to see larvae and cocoons of fleas around the puppy.
Changing Fur Color
You also want to observe the puppy’s color and notice any significant changes. In most cases, a flea-infested puppy will have darker fur because of the color of the fleas. It would be best if you had a special flea comb to pull out the fleas from the puppy’s fur.
These combs have tiny teeth that help
Flea Dirt
This is another significant way to identify flea infestation on your puppy. The flea dirt appears dark granulated material because it is a remnant of digested blood. Put a little water on the flea dirt, and you will notice that it becomes red.
This is a sure bet that your puppy is infested with fleas.
Check for Bites
Different kinds of bites, including fleas, may attack dogs and puppies. However, seeing small red bumps, you can distinctly tell a flea bite on your puppy’s skin.
Getting Rid of Fleas
It is one thing to identify the presence of fleas and another to know what to do. However, once you are sure that your puppy has a flea infestation, you need to act fast to avoid making them suffer from infestation or develop other serious medical complications. Below are a few measures you could take to remedy the situation.
Kill the Fleas
It is possible to do this manually by identifying where they are and acting on them. However, this may be effective, but it will take so much time. As you look for adult fleas, there is also the possibility of missing some fleas or not killing the larvae.
Fortunately, there are a few products that you can use to achieve desired results. First, visit the vet’s shop for appropriate over-the-counter flea-killing products. You want a solution that will be deadly to the fleas but kind and safe for your puppy.
Observe High standards of Cleanliness
Besides killing the fleas, you also want to observe high standards of hygiene to be sure that there are no fleas or their eggs scattered everywhere else around your home. So vacuum your floors, wash mats and rugs, and clean bedding and upholstery regularly.
You may also want to clean the compound by trimming bushes and clearing overgrown grass. Anything that can potentially be a breeding ground for the fleas should be eliminated. If you do all this and the fleas persist, make sure to call pest control to help fumigate the entire home, after which you can observe regular cleaning practices.
Regular Vet Checks
You also need to invest in regular veterinarian checks. For example, there could be something you are not doing right and are not aware of yet. Going to the vet for routine checks can help you understand the situation better.
Your vet will also recommend better grooming techniques if needed. The right products also matter; the best way to know about these products is to visit a veterinary officer. A vet can recommend the right treatment if the puppy is already infected and battling medical conditions from flea bites. They can also get your puppy on flea prevention medication.
Dealing with a flea infestation on your dog is not rocket science. It all starts with identifying the presence of the pests and taking charge of eliminating them. Once done, you continue to ensure that they no longer have a conducive environment to thrive because you have dealt with everything that could support their growth.