What Kind of CBD Oil Is Best for Goldendoodles?

As a pet owner, I find the volume of targeted pet supplement ads quite overwhelming at times. And I’m sure any pet parent with an online presence would agree. What’s worse, most of the information is often misleading and exaggerated to boost sales. 

Sadly, I’ve had quite a few bad experiences with my Goldendoodle, arising from all the clickbait content I consume daily. But after combing through several authoritative resources, I decided to write this guide on the best CBD oil to use on your Goldendoodle.

There’s a recent uptick in CBD companies, making it crucial to learn that not all CBD products are equally effective. Therefore, it is every pet parent’s responsibility to find out which product is best suited for their Goldendoodle. 

This guide comes in handy by providing an extensive analysis of the benefits, appropriate dosage, best commercially available products, their associated side effects, and the criteria for testing and administering these products.

Read on to discover what kind of CBD oil is best for dogs, particularly Goldendoodles. 

What Is CBD Oil?

CBD is short for cannabidiol, a naturally occurring compound in the cannabis family of plants. However, it doesn’t give a mind-altering “high” like THC (yet another cannabinoid responsible for psychoactive effects).

CBD oil is extracted from the flowering buds of marijuana or hemp plants. It should constitute a maximum 0.3% THC composition, as it is toxic to dogs in more significant amounts. 

The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) reports that CBD oils offer a lot of promise in treating various pains and ailments in canines.

How Does CBD Work In Your Canine?

Contrary to what most people might believe, the wonderful effects of CBD are not limited to human beings. Pets also possess an endocannabinoid system (ECS) that processes signals from CBD.  What’s more, Goldendoodles suffer from similar health issues as humans, including chronic pain, separation anxiety, seizures, among others. 

Cannabidiol generates a desirable response on Goldendoodles when it interacts with the endocannabinoid system, whose fundamental role in their bodies is maintaining homeostasis. The ECS is a collective of cell receptors, molecules, and enzymes in the nervous system, working together to carry out certain bodily functions.

There are two primary cannabinoid cell receptors found in the ECS, and these are known as CB1 and CB2. CB1 receptors are mainly found in the brain, nervous system, and specific organs and tissues.

CB2 receptors are primarily found in white blood cells and have been more recently linked to specific locations in the brain. Research has shown that CBD does employ some sway on the operation of these CB2 receptors despite its inability to bond with the receptors directly.

One of the essential ECS functions is to reduce chronic inflammation, which may result in chronic disease. Keep in mind that it also helps keep anxiety and depression in check and skin health and allergies.

Because CBD closely interacts with those specific regions of the body, scientists have proven that it does play a pivotal role in regulating sleep, metabolism, mood, easing pain and inflammation, and boosting the health of the immune system. 

Health Risks to Your Goldendoodle

Goldendoodles are a fun crossbreed of the Golden Retriever and Poodle. When the genes combine, they can sometimes express themselves phenotypically in undesirable ways. Even though it is a relatively low-maintenance dog, there are several genetic health risks known to affect Goldendoodles routinely. 

These include:

  • Atopic dermatitis
  • Hip dysplasia
  • Eye diseases such as glaucoma, cataracts, and even progressive renal atrophy.
  • Aortic stenosis
  • Patellar luxation
  • Ear infections

Other problems known to frequent our furry companions are separation and travel anxiety, astraphobia (thunder phobia), seizures, and a host of other issues.

How CBD Oils May Be of Help to Your Goldendoodle

Besides just alleviating chronic pain, here are a few other benefits. Here are a few reasons why you should start giving CBD oil to your furry companion:

  • It is effective in supplementing cancer treatments by preventing the growth of blood vessels into tumors, as well as killing some cancerous cells and reducing the side effects of exposure to radiation such as chemo.
  • It aids in the relief of allergies in your dog.
  • It helps in calming dogs that suffer from thunderstorm phobia, separation anxiety.
  • It actively provides relief from chronic pain and promotes rapid wound healing.
  • It helps in fighting autoimmune issues and inflammation.
  • It helps lower blood pressure and is hence suitable for canines with systemic hypertension.
  • CBD oil relieves anxiety in dogs.
  • It aids in the general well-being of your Goldendoodle.

What CBD Dosage Should You Administer to Your Goldendoodle?

CBD dosage cannot be boiled down to a specific figure or formula as it hasn’t become a mainstream practice yet. It is therefore essential to tailor your dog’s dosage based on your Goldendoodle’s needs. 

As with any other supplements, one should always proceed with caution. It’s advisable to start with small doses that are few and far between. Consuming too much CBD oil too fast might result in undesirable side effects, such as a grueling tummy upset.

As a rule of thumb, Goldendoodles come in three sizes; standard, medium, and miniature. Their weight comes into play when deciding the amount of CBD oil to administer. The recommended doses should be administered in the following ranges:  

  1. 30 pounds: 3 mg – 15 mg
  2.  20 pounds: 2 mg – 10 mg
  3. 10 pounds: 1 mg – 5 mg

These ranges are ballpark estimates based on anecdotal data. It is thus advisable to start small and slow. If treating chronic hip and joint pains, you will need to allow 2-4 weeks to see the best results. Anxiety and relief and restoring a sense of calm typically occur within an hour from ingestion.

What to look for in the CBD Oil for your Goldendoodle

Here are the key parameters to look for when selecting a suitable CBD product for your Goldendoodle :

  • Ideally, one ought to choose a CBD oil that is 99.7% free of THC
  • The CBD oil should be made from organic hemp plants to ensure that it is toxic-free.
  • Always review the product’s certificate of analysis (COA) and make sure that there are no significant amounts of THC that can prove toxic to your Goldendoodle. You can acquaint yourself with examples of COAs here.

The Best Form to Administer CBD Oil to a Goldendoodle

The most effective way of giving your Goldendoodle CBD oil is by dropping the oil directly into their mouth. This way, the CBD bypasses the digestive tract and is instead absorbed via the tongue and gums.

However, if your pet does not want oral administration, the oil can be given in the form of capsules or placed directly on to their food.

Full Spectrum CBD Oil

Thanks to extensive research on cannabidiol oils for canines, there are various premium hemp oil extracts on the market. Let’s look at the three best total spectrum products:

PB and Pets Maximum Strength Hemp Oil

This calming and relaxing extract is made from organically grown American hemp. It is third-party lab tested and helps alleviate joint pain, dysplasia, chronic pain, and arthritis. 

You can either mix a few drops in your Goldendoodle’s food or drop it directly into their mouth.

Happy Furry Hemp Oil

Tested and recommended by US veterinarians, this full-spectrum hemp oil solves several challenges your Goldendoodle may be facing. It helps reduce arthritis, muscle spasms, aggression and promotes healthy sleep.

Vets highly recommend these oils due to their rapid effect, improved bioavailability, and absorption. In addition, most of them are flavored, allowing your Goldendoodle to gobble them up in whatever form. 

Kinpur Pet Hemp Oil

This is highly pure hemp oil that boasts a complete plant profile. Besides promoting calmness and reducing joint pain, Kinpur Pet Hemp Oil also improves your Goldendoodle’s overall well-being.

What’s more, this hemp oil has an easy-to-use liquid formula and a neutral taste in case your furry friend is a fussy eater.

Potential Side Effects Of CBD Oils

Possible side effects may include lowered blood pressure, allergic reaction, dry mouth, and sometimes diarrhea.

They can be avoided by following the recommended doses corresponding to their weight and carrying out due diligence on the product’s certification to ensure it has no THC.


I hope this guide has enlightened you on the best use of CBD oils on your Goldendoodle.

CBD oils are excellent medication for a host of several problems faced by your furry friends, such as separation and travel anxiety, hip and joint pain.

Furthermore, CBD oils can aid in cancer management and allergy treatment.

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