What Problems Do Mini Goldendoodles Have?
If you are thinking about adopting a mini Goldendoodle or if you already have one in your life, then you know that they are a wonderful companion to have by your side. However, it is important to mention that mini Goldendoodles may be prone to some serious health conditions.
Some of the problems that mini Goldendoodles face are Von Willebrand’s disease, progressive retinal atrophy, cancer, bloat, allergies, hip dysplasia, and earaches just to name a few. Goldendoodles are more likely to face these issues due to their heritage from Poodles and Golden Retrievers.
To learn more about these diseases and how to prevent or treat them, be sure to continue reading on.
Von Willebrand’s Disease
This disease is an inherited blood clotting disorder that can be quite common in mini Goldendoodles. According to Pet Health Network, Von Willebrand’s disease is when a dog has too few platelets, which are cells that help blood clot and create scabs so that the bleeding stops.
Golden Retrievers are more prone to this disorder, which is why mini Goldendoodles might present this disease as well.
Signs of Von Willebrand’s Disease
One of the biggest signs of Von Willebrand’s disease is after the dog sustains some type of cut or injury. If there is prolonged bleeding, then it is a sign that your dog has this disorder. There are other signs and symptoms that may be lesser known that include:
- Bleeding gums
- Blood in stool or urine
- Bruises easily
In order to best treat these symptoms, be sure to contact a veterinarian to do some testing. They might offer some medicine, but it isn’t necessary in most cases. Unfortunately, Von Willebrand’s disease cannot be prevented nor treated since it is hereditary.
Bloat, or Gastric Dilation-Volvulus, is a disease that often goes unaccounted for until it is fatal. According to the Veterinary Medical Center of Central New York, there are 60,000 cases of bloat throughout the US every year.
Bloat happens when the stomach is filled with liquid, food, or gas and then twists. Simple bloating may not be life-threatening, but when the stomach twists or turns, it can be fatal for your Goldendoodle.
Signs of Bloat
If you suspect that your mini Goldendoodle has bloat, keep a watchful eye out for these signs:
- Swollen abdomen
- Excessive drooling
- Rapid breathing and panting
- Dry heaving or vomiting
- Restlessness
- Generally looks distressed
If you see any of these signs, contact your veterinarian immediately since bloat can happen at any time and progress very quickly.
Although bloat may occur in mini Goldendoodles, there are a few causes to watch out for so try and prevent bloat. Observe your mini Goldendoodle and watch if they are eating or drinking quickly, exercising after eating, or eating out of raised food bowls.
If your dog is doing the following actions, be sure to try and stop these behaviors to prevent bloat.
Progressive Retinal Atrophy

This disease, Progressive Retinal Atrophy or PRA, occurs when the retina of the eye starts to deteriorate, which can eventually lead to blindness. This is an inherited disease that will most likely spread through genetics and VCA hospitals recommend that dogs with this disorder should not be used to breed.
Signs of Progressive Retinal Atrophy
If your mini Goldendoodle is affected with PRA, they will not show signs of any pain. Rather, they will probably start to have night blindness, feel anxious at nighttime, and be reluctant to enter dark rooms since they cannot see very well. Some other signs might include:
- Runs into objects when there isn’t much lighting in the room
- Eyes become more reflective when light shines on them
- Pupils are more dilated than normal
- Clumsiness
PRA develops in 1-2 years, so make sure to watch out for the early signs and symptoms mentioned above. Fortunately, dogs rely on their other senses heavily and won’t be too limited if diagnosed with PRA. Currently, there is no treatment for this disease.
Hip Dysplasia
Mini Goldendoodles are more likely to experience hip dysplasia, which is common in both of their parent breeds. This painful disorder forms in the ball and socket joint of the hip.
If the skeleton doesn’t develop properly, then the ball and socket joint will rub on one another, which will eventually deteriorate the function of the hip.
Signs of Hip Dysplasia
According to the American Kennel Club, some of the signs of hip dysplasia include:
- Difficulty running, climbing, and jumping
- Loss of muscle mass in thighs
- Stiffness and Limping
- Decreased activity
Fortunately, there are ways to treat hip dysplasia as long as it is not too severe. Of course, be sure to contact your veterinarian if you suspect that your mini Goldendoodle has hip dysplasia.
Professionals might recommend weight loss, physical therapy, supplements, and anti-inflammatory medications.
Ear Aches
Since mini Goldendoodles have those adorable floppy ears and have a love for swimming, they are unfortunately more prone to getting earaches. There are three different types of earaches, which are called: otitis externa, media, and interna (link).
Otitis externa is the most common and starts on the outside of the ear while media and interna occur in the middle and inside of the ear canal. If an earache is not treated and spreads to the media or interna of the ear, it can cause deafness and/or facial paralysis.
Some of the signs of an earache include:
- Head shaking
- Scratching at the ear
- Swelling in ear canal
- Dark discharge from the affected ear
- Pain
- Scabs in ears
One of the causes of earaches is allergies, which mini Goldendoodles are more prone to than other dog breeds, but some of the other causes derive from ear wax, excessive cleaning of ears, thyroid disease, and moisture.
If you believe that your mini Goldendoodle is suffering from an ear infection, be sure to contact a veterinarian. They might do a thorough ear cleaning and perhaps prescribe some antibiotics or anti-inflammatory medicine to your mini Goldendoodle.
If you want to prevent your dog’s earaches, be sure to dry out your mini Goldendoodle’s ears thoroughly after they have been swimming. AKC also recommends cleaning your dog’s ears at home to prevent earaches.
Why You Need to Purchase a Goldendoodle From a Reputable Breeder
Of course, not all diseases are preventable, but one of the best things to ensure that your mini Goldendoodle is not prone to these diseases is to make sure that you adopt your pup from a reputable breeder.
You can ask the breeder about the parents’ genetics and health issues to see what your mini Goldendoodle might inherit. Unfortunately, every dog breed has some type of health issue and you cannot keep your dog free from all of them, but many of the diseases on this list are inherited.