Goldendoodle First Haircut? When do Goldendoodles Really Need a Haircut?
One great thing about Goldendoodles is that they typically don’t shed much. However, their continually growing coats need lots of brushing and regular haircuts to avoid severe matting that can hurt your dog. Let’s talk about everything you need to know to get your Goldendoodle puppy ready for a lifetime of grooming and their first haircut.

When Do Goldendoodle Puppies Need Haircuts?
You should take your Goldendoodle puppy to the groomer as soon as possible to get their face, feet, and potty area trimmed so they can start to get used to the grooming process. As long as they aren’t matted, your Goldendoodle puppy will likely have their first full haircut sometime between 6 months and 1 year old.
Even if you plan to save money by grooming your Goldendoodle yourself in the future, you should take advantage of puppy pricing and take your baby to the groomer every month or two for the first year of their life. That’s the best way to set them up for a lifetime of success with grooming, either by you or in a professional setting.
5 Tips to Start Your Goldendoodle Puppy on a Path of Great Grooming Experiences
Here are tips straight from a professional dog groomer with more than a decade of experience to get your Goldendoodle pup set up for a lifetime of success and their first trim.
#1 – Introduce Your Puppy to Brushing Immediately
Goldendoodle puppy hair is pretty forgiving for the first few months of their life. You could get away with not brushing your puppy for a little while. However, your adult Goldendoodle will need daily brushing (unless you plan on keeping them shaved all the time). The best thing you can do is introduce your Goldendoodle puppy to daily brushing as soon as you bring them home.
Start with a
Let your puppy sniff it and play with it; let them nibble on it if they try. Then start to
Don’t stop brushing if your puppy tries to bite you or the
brush ! If you do, your puppy learns that biting makes things they don’t like stop.
That’s NOT a lesson you want your Goldendoodle puppy to learn! So keep brushing, even as they nom on the
#2 – Learn Proper Brushing Technique
All the brushing in the world won’t do your Golden Doodle any good if you’re doing it wrong. The essential technique for brushing your Goldendoodle is called line brushing. When you
What Is Line Brushing For Grooming A Dog?
What’s line brushing? Start somewhere low on your pooch, like down by a foot. Use one hand to pick up most of your Goldendoodle’s fur in one area, then use your other hand to
brush the area UNDERNEATH that line of hair.
By lifting the hair, it’s easier to
Using line
#3 – A comb Will Be Your New Best Friend
Line brushing is the best way to make sure you’re brushing ALL of your Goldendoodle’s fur, but it’s still easy to miss tangles and mats. That’s why you need to run a metal
That’s because water makes mats worse, especially if you don’t use a high-velocity professional dog dryer after the bath.
When you find mats with the
Be careful not to irritate, scrape, or cut your dog’s skin when trying to remove mats. Adding some conditioner can help remove tough mats.

Editor’s Bonus Comment: This dematting rake works really well for beginners and is very forgiving!
#4 – Make Brushing Part of Your Daily Routine
The best way to make sure your Goldendoodle puppy gets used to brushing and avoids painful mats is to incorporate brushing into your daily routine. That way, your puppy knows to expect it, and you don’t accidentally go several days between brushing sessions.
Goldendoodle fur mats very easily, and those mats can pull on your dog’s skin and be very painful. Daily brushing is the best way to prevent painful mats from forming.
#5 – Find a Groomer Early and Stick with Them
There’s a lot involved with the full grooming process that can be scary, so it’s crucial to take your Goldendoodle puppy to a groomer as young as possible. Younger puppies are more adaptable than older puppies, so it’s easier to ensure a lifetime of happy grooming experiences when you can start your puppy as early as two to four months of age.
It also helps your Goldendoodle if they see the same person every time they go in for grooming. That makes it feel like going in to see a friend for a familiar experience.
You see, every professional groomer, even at the same grooming salon, has their own routine and way of doing things. If your dog likes how a groomer does their nails, might as well stick with them. If your dog always sees someone different, it’s harder for them to know what to expect.
If you can find a good groomer and stick with them, that groomer will get to see your Goldendoodle grow into an adult and can report physical or behavioral changes.
If you find a groomer who stays in business long enough, they might report lumps and bumps you hadn’t noticed, or sensitivity around their mouth that could indicate tooth problems, or fussiness around their face that could indicate vision loss.
If you see a different groomer every time, it’s easier for them to assume those behaviors or bumps are normal for your dog rather than new indications of an underlying problem.
There are so many reasons to try to stay with the same groomer. It really is the best thing for your Goldendoodle.
A Guide to Goldendoodle Haircut Styles
Since Goldendoodles are a hybrid rather than a purebred dog, they don’t have a “standard” haircut. The fun thing is that you can make your Goldendoodle look however you want without going against the “norm.”
The downside is that you can’t just walk into the groomer and tell them you want “a Goldendoodle cut,” because such a thing doesn’t exist.
Before we talk about the different haircut styles and variations in lengths available for Goldendoodles, we need to talk about their different hair types.
Goldendoodle Hair Types
Since Goldendoodles are hybrids, they can have one of three different coat types depending on their genetic lottery. The 3 Goldendoodle hair types are:
- Straight Coats (like a Golden Retriever) – more likely to shed, less likely to form mats
- Curly Coats (like the Poodle breed) – least likely type of coat to shed, but hardest texture to keep brushed out to avoid mats
- Wavy Coats– may shed some and is also somewhat prone to forming mats
The “Puppy Cut” or “Teddy Bear Cut” for Goldendoodles
People often use the terms “puppy cut” or “teddy bear haircut” to mean that they want one length all over on their Goldendoodle. Those terms aren’t especially useful for a groomer, though, because they don’t specify any lengths.
Most people
opt for lengths between half an inch and an inch. That’s a length that most
people find they can maintain at home while going 6 to 8 weeks between
haircuts. Remember, the longer you keep your Goldendoodle’s hair, the more critical
it is to
Also, the terms “puppy cut” and “teddy bear cut” don’t tell the groomer what you want to be done with the face, head, ears, and tail. We’ll go over those separately.
The Lamb Cut for Goldendoodles
With the lamb cut, your Goldendoodle’s legs are left longer than the body. Like the terms “puppy cut” or “teddy bear cut,” though, there is no set length to the lamb cut on a Goldendoodle. Commonly, the body is left with ½” to 1,” and the legs are left 1”-2” long. Talk to your groomer about what length you think you can manage.
“Poodle Cuts” for Goldendoodles
Most people tell the groomer, “Don’t make my Goldendoodle look like a Poodle.” However, some people do like Poodle cuts on their Goldendoodle. Mostly, when people talk about wanting a “Poodle cut” on their Goldendoodle, they are referring to a clean (shaved) face or feet.
Lion Cut or Mohawk Cut
Want to have fun as a Goldendoodle owner? These kinds of hairstyle that leave a mane and a tight clip on the rest of the body are a fun hairstyle, ideal for hot summer months.
Kennel Clip for Goldendoodles
If you or your dog hate the brushing process, or your Goldendoodle just loves to spend time in the woods, in a lake, in the mud, or anywhere except indoors, a kennel clip may be your best bet. A kennel clip means your dog is shaved short; usually 1/8” to ¼”. It’s basically a full shave.
A kennel cut often includes shaving your dog’s head, face, tail, and ears, so make sure you’re clear with the groomer what you’re looking for. This is a great summer cut because the short hair keeps your Goldendoodle cool.
Heads, Faces, Ears, and Tails
There is no standard length for the hair on your Goldendoodle’s head, face, ears, or tail. You can add a poof to the end to give them a flag tail, give them clean feet, round feet, or add pom poms. It all comes down to your personal preference (and whether those areas are matted when you take your pet to the groomer). Make sure you discuss these areas in detail with the groomer at drop-off.
Final Thoughts
The best thing you can do for your Goldendoodle puppy is to start brushing them as soon as you bring them home and take them to the groomer early and often so they can get used to the process. You can eventually start grooming your dog at home, but your puppy should get used to the whole Goldendoodle grooming experience when they’re young enough not to be afraid.
Related Content You May Find Interesting
Here are some more articles that may be of interest to you if you have a Goldendoodle puppy.
- Goldendoodles don’t shed much, but their growing coats need regular haircuts and brushing to avoid severe matting that can hurt your dog.
- Goldendoodle puppies should have their face, feet, and potty area trimmed as soon as possible to get used to the grooming process.
- Goldendoodle puppies will likely have their first full haircut between 6 months and 1 year old.
- Introduce your Goldendoodle puppy to daily brushing as soon as you bring them home.
- Proper brushing technique involves line brushing, where you
brush one “line” of fur at a time. - Use a metal
comb to run through every inch of your dog after brushing to avoid missing tangles and mats. - Make brushing part of your daily routine to prevent painful mats from forming.
- Find a groomer early and stick with them to ensure a lifetime of success with grooming.