When Do Puppies Get Easier? 3 Problematic Stages Explained!
Taking care of a puppy is not an easy task. Some people fear the responsibility of taking care of a puppy, but when do puppies get easier? It’s important to remember that caring for and raising a puppy isn’t a walk in the park. It takes time, patience, and dedication, which can be quite a challenge.

When Do Puppies Get Easier?
Being a puppy parent can be quite rewarding as things get easier from 9 to 12 months. At this point, your puppy moves from the teen years and is learning to function as an adult dog. Proper puppy training can make these challenging times easier to handle.
While the ideal picture of having a puppy is about loving memories and lots of fun, the reality is different. Raising your puppy in the right way will require some adjustment in your life. They need love, affection, and attention to become healthy dogs.
The good news is you still can enjoy those precious moments having fun and watching them sleep. Puppies have a way of bringing light and love into a home.
How Long Before Puppies Get Easier?
It takes 9 to 12 months for a puppy to pass the challenging times and get easier to raise. However, dog breeds are easier to manage, even as young as 6 months of age. It all depends on your puppy’s temperament and how they develop.
Still, even if you find it challenging caring for your puppy in the initial days, it will get easier. All you have to do is hand them in and shower them with lots of love. Like babies, puppies undergo different life stages that can be quite challenging.
In addition, the sex of your dog can affect how easy they are to handle. The fact remains that even in nature, girls mature faster than boys. This can be an eye-opener when learning more about puppy behavior.
All About Puppyhood
From the day they’re born, puppies desire to get love and attention. Puppyhood is the first stage your dog undergoes and plays a crucial role in the kind of pet you will have at home.
The body and mind of a puppy begin developing, and you can notice certain traits that will determine your fur baby’s personality. In addition, they learn how to socialize when there are littermates around, which is crucial for growth and development.
It’s common for mom dogs to have their pups around for about 10 to 12 weeks. This is a natural cycle that the mummy undergoes to ensure proper feeding and care of the young puppies. After that, a responsible breeder can start rehoming the puppies.
But, some greedy fellows prefer selling puppies off at 8 weeks. Never purchase such a puppy because it’s simply too young and still needs mom around. At such an early age, they’re not ready to leave mom’s side and can even be quite challenging to handle.
What Are the Puppy Blues?
Have you ever heard of the puppy blues? If not, learn as much information about it as possible before getting a puppy.
Puppy blues tend to affect both you and your new puppy. It takes time to get acquainted with one another. This period of getting familiar with each other is full of ups and downs, which make up the puppy blues.
Many new pup parents go through a period where they aren’t sure of what to do. Feeling helpless, frustrated, and weepy isn’t new as many folks go through this process. It’s known as the puppy blues, and even your pup tends to feel the same in the new environment.
The good news is that things get easier with time as you and your pup get to know more about each other. This little bundle of joy soon turns into your companion. Keeping that in mind can help you wade through the challenging days ahead.
Among the top priorities of a new pup, the parent is establishing a routine. At the same time, you can start simple dog training to help shape your pup’s behavior. Having a routine shapes your pup’s mind and behavior, helping them grow into an amazing adult.
When Do Puppies Get Quite Challenging to Manage?

No particular stage of a pup’s life can be defined as the most difficult to manage. All dog breeds aren’t built the same, so what happens to one might be different in another. Even similar breeds end up having individual personalities that are quite different.
However, there are specific stages that are challenging for all dogs.
Puppy Teething Woes
At the top of the list is teething. There are two teething stages that every puppy must undergo in its lifetime.
Puppies have needle teeth that start to appear as they grow. While suckling on mom, they’re toothless because that would be quite a painful experience for her. Needle teeth will start popping up at 3 weeks and become fully set by the 8th week.
These needle teeth fall out at 4 to 6 months, and your pup gets permanent teeth. Growing needle teeth, having them fall out, and getting permanent ones isn’t easy for pups.
Biting and Chewing
Another challenging stage for puppies that can drive you up the wall is biting. Puppies love to bite. At first, it seems all fun and games until they break the skin. Also, you won’t like it when they start to chew your favorite shoe or sofa.
Unfortunately, puppies need to explore, and chewing helps them master taste and textures. Biting and chewing start early while learning the world with littermates around. Puppies will bite one another constantly.
Potty Training
Getting your puppy to know where and when to go to the bathroom is difficult. This is one of the most challenging stages for you and your puppy. Communicating what you want can seem like talking to a wall for some time before your pup is fully potty trained.
But be sure to hang in there because they will get it later. Small puppies have no control of their bladders, so it’s up to you to keep the area where mom is clean. As they grow, puppies can learn better bladder control.
It can take up to 6 months to fully potty-train your dog. For other breeds, this goes on for 12 months or so. It’s harder for small dogs since they have tiny bladders and need to go constantly. This is why having a bathroom schedule and understanding your dog’s needs are handy.
At What Age Are Puppies Better Behaved?
Get ready to start breathing easier at 9 to 18 months when puppies are better behaved. But, this also varies depending on the breed and personality of your puppy.
As a pup parent, it’s important to know that not all puppies are identical. Some never grow up and require you to always be on your toes. But, it’s better to start correcting bad behavior early since it’s not as easy as an adult.
Start dog training and socialization at an early age. The more your dog knows what is expected, the better behaved they become. Also, start potty training early to help your pup learn early and have a bathroom routine.
Puppy training is crucial, and it can start at 12 to 16 weeks. It’s easier to modify behavior and ensure you can take better care of your pups as they grow into healthy adults.