Why Does My Goldendoodle Pee So Much?
This article is about reasons why your Goldendoodle might pee so much.
Without a doubt, Goldendoodles are a delight to own. All is well and good until you notice that your Goldendoodle is peeing all the time. Surely you’re wondering what’s going on with your pooch. I’ve done the research to help you.
Why Does My Goldendoodle Pee So Much?
Why does my Goldendoodle pee so much? Many dogs pee a lot to mark their territory. Others pee in certain social situations or because of overheating and drinking more. Some medical causes for frequent urination in dogs include urinary tract infections (UTI), diabetes, and spay incontinence.
Continue reading to find out more about why your Goldendoodle pees a lot, and what to do about it.
Reasons Why Your Goldendoodle is Urinating More
Your dog could be urinating more for a myriad of reasons. These reasons range from health issues to instinctive action and more. Below, we will explore some reasons why your Goldendoodle is peeing a lot.
Harmless Reasons for Frequent Urination
As you’ve read above, frequent urination in dogs is not always caused by some threatening underlying health condition. Your dog may be peeing more because of a reason that’s completely harmless.
Your Goldendoodle’s Age
One determining factor for frequent urination is your dog’s age. A puppy that you’ve just brought home will not pee at the same frequency as a senior dog would.
A healthy dog will usually pee once every 4 to 6 hours. This is the baseline, but many dogs’ pee frequencies won’t fit within this range.
The newest of puppies, those that are under 6 months old, will urinate twice as often as normal dogs. This is due to poor bladder control, and it’s normal for dogs of this age.
As puppies mature and become house trained, they will usually urinate less often during the day. But as they get into their senior years, it’s normal for them to begin to urinate more frequently. It’s just part of the aging process.
Your Goldendoodle is Overheating
When a dog drinks more, you guessed it; he’ll pee more. If your pooch is getting more time out and is expending lots of energy, he may be more thirsty after playing and tend to drink more water. When he returns to the house and goes inside to the temp controlled setting, that extra water won’t be expended. It’ll come out in his urine.
So, whenever your dog is going in and out of the house on a hot day, you can expect more pee. This, of course, is no cause for concern.
Your Goldendoodle Is Marking His Territory
Since dogs can’t tell you, “this is my property,” they have to show you in a different way. Peeing on things that he considers to be his territory is totally normal.
Marking is especially common in dogs that fit into the following categories:
- dogs that have just been adopted and brought home
- dogs that are on a walk
- dogs that are visiting another location
- Unspayed females and unneutered males
- Your dog just got a new canine sibling
Your dog may mark when he sees a dog encroaching upon his perceived territory. Some male dogs mark when they are in the presence of a female dog (especially when she’s in heat).
If you’re not sure whether your dog is marking, there is a way to determine this with certainty. Look closely at your dog when he’s urinating. If he’s peeing because he has a full bladder, there will be a long stream of urine. On the other hand, if he is marking his territory, the pee will come out in short bursts and usually a few drops at a time.
If the marking is out of control, you may want to consider spaying or neutering your dog. Read more on the issue of spaying later on in this article.
Potentially Harmful Conditions You Should Explore
There are a few health-related conditions that you should look into if your dog is peeing a lot. We will dive into these below.
Spay Incontinence
Spaying and neutering dogs has been shown to help with territorial marking. However, spaying your female dog may lead to a condition called spay incontinence. Incontinence means that your dog cannot hold its urine because of a lack of bladder control.
Most who hear this information may want to avoid spaying their female dog. But, according to the ASPCA, experts still recommend spaying dogs for the many health benefits of the procedure. Some benefits include a decreased risk of both urinary tract infections and cancerous tumors of the breast.
If it appears that your dog clearly cannot control the leakage of urine, a visit to the vet is necessary.
Urinary Tract Infection
Your dog could be peeing a lot because he has a urinary tract infection (UTI). This is one of the most common medical reasons why dogs have frequent urination. Luckily, the condition is also treatable by a medical professional.
If your dog has a UTI, you’ll see some signs. In addition to frequent urination, you may observe these additional symptoms.
- You may notice that your dog gets in the position to pee, and nothing comes out for a long period of time.
- Your dog’s urine may be hazy or bloody.
- Your dog whines or appears to be in pain while urinating.
If you notice any of the above signs of a UTI, you should take your dog to the vet for testing. If bacteria is found in the dog’s urine, the vet will prescribe antibiotics to get rid of the infection.
Older female dogs are at a higher risk of getting a UTI than male dogs of all ages. So if your dog fits in this category, you may want to schedule a visit to the vet even if you don’t notice the other signs of a UTI.
Peeing a lot is a sign of canine diabetes (more specifically, diabetes mellitus). This type of diabetes is characterized by a dog’s inability to effectively turn food into energy. It can be very serious.
But don’t freak out yet. There are many symptoms of diabetes other than peeing a lot.
Here are some early signs other than frequent urination that you can look out for:
- Your dog seems more thirsty than usual and drinks more.
- Your dog may lose weight.
- Your dog may have a larger appetite.
When diabetes has become serious, you may notice these signs:
- Your dog is acting depressed.
- Your dog may vomit.
- Your dog may experience a loss of energy.
Speak to a vet right away if you notice any of the signs mentioned above.
According to the American Kennel Club (AKC), diabetes in dogs cannot be cured, but it can be managed successfully through dietary changes, exercise, routine glucose monitoring, and medication. The sooner your dog begins treatment for diabetes, the better.
Good Luck With Your Goldendoodle
If peeing a lot is the only issue you are experiencing with your dog, there is no reason to rush your dog to the vet immediately. Instead, watch your dog closely.
Take a mental note of how often your dog pees, where he pees, how long he pees, and how he acts when he pees. You’ll start to notice the differences between peeing, territorial marking, and incontinence. Knowing these differences will help you determine whether there may be a problem with your dog’s urinary system.
Equally as important are your dog’s energy level, mental disposition, and eating and drinking habits. Note any changes in these things, and don’t be afraid to speak to a vet if you are ever unsure about your dog’s condition. You are his only advocate, after all.
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