Why Is My Goldendoodle Biting So Much?
Training your dog not to bite is a crucial step for any pet parent, but unfortunately, some dogs are much more difficult to teach not to bite than others.
Goldendoodles tend to be one of those breeds that nip and bites when they play, but, even still, some will do it more than others.
If you’re wondering why your Goldendoodle is biting so much, you’ve clicked on the right article!
Why Is My Goldendoodle Biting So Much?
Goldendoodles, being a crossbreed of Golden Retrievers and Poodles (both hunting breeds) are predisposed towards biting and nipping. Hunting dogs were bred to bite and carry things in their mouths, and your Goldendoodle is likely biting you so much because they were never trained not to act on this strong impulse that they have.
Your Goldendoodle is biting so much when they are a puppy is because they are learning about the world around them and what is expected of them while dealing with the physical, mental, and emotional changes of this age.
While this is common for every dog growing through the puppy phase, this can be more of a problem for certain dog breeds which includes the Goldendoodle thanks to their background.
They can have an increased show of negative behaviors linked to their genetic background. These can include biting, chewing, scratching, and barking to name a few.
As it turns out, Goldendoodles are a crossbreed made up of Golden Retriever and Poodle. These purebred dogs are amazing retrievers that delight in nipping and biting as part of their breed background of hunting companions.
The Goldendoodle’s purebred parents gave them the genetics of being good retrievers which require nipping, biting, etc. Since both purebred parents have this trait, it is more prominent in the Goldendoodle.
Combine this set of genetics with the difficult phases of puppyhood, and it can make for one difficult time for puppy and pet parents.
They will go through teething and phases where they use nipping and biting to be playful, like when they were with their littermates and mother.
Add in a few lessons about expected behaviors and no biting mommy, which they won’t yet comprehend, and it can make for some challenging times.
In most instances, though, a pet parent will see this behavior as cute and no big deal, but it should never be encouraged.
While it is always important to be calm and not hurtful, that doesn’t mean that the pet parent can’t let the puppy know biting is not allowed with a simple No Bite and then walking away.
Genetics plays the most important role in Goldendoodles biting as their need to bite, nip and chew is ingrained in who they are as a dog.
Beyond that, the lessons they learn, the environment they live in, and how they are treated will affect their tendency to bite or not bite as they grow and change from puppy to adult Goldendoodle.

What can I do if my Goldendoodle is biting too much?
If your Goldendoodle is biting too much, you can take it with a grain of salt. Whether your dog is a two-month-old puppy or a five-year-old adult, your reaction sets the tone and conveys what is okay and not okay.
As the pack leader, the pet parent must know that they are always in charge. While there might be a difference in playtime biting and biting out of aggression, how we, as their pack leader, react sets the tone for the future.
Therefore, in a matter a fact attitude, you would move forward with your day. You can stop for a time or continue depending on you and how you want to react.
If your five-year-old Goldendoodle is nipping and biting during playtime, you might decide to overlook it because it didn’t hurt and was a mistake anyway, and that’s fine to do.
In certain instances, it may be better to redirect the playtime to another activity, so they stop biting, which sends a clear message that we don’t play that game anymore if I bite.
For a teething puppy, understanding that they are going through something that will pass and redirecting the biting and chewing to something appropriate, like a chew toy, should do the trick.
Goldendoodles are not aggressive dogs, but anything is possible in the best behaved, perfectly trained dog. If it happens in your adult Goldendoodle, taking a step back and reviewing the obedience training is a good idea.
This can be done positively while maintaining your confidence as the pack leader. Some dogs would attempt to repeat aggressive tendencies if they were allowed to do it in the first place.
Therefore stopping whatever activity, it was, since you are in charge and reviewing obedience training, is best to drive home who is in charge and what is expected of the Goldendoodle.
We all have Habits, some good and of course, some not so good. Goldendoodles are no different. When the Goldendoodle is a puppy, certain behaviors like biting and nipping may be allowed or overlooked at the time, it is a phase, and it will pass.
This is mostly true, but those passing behaviors become habits that don’t go away in some instances. In these cases, you would want to redirect the activity to something else that changes their thought process and should have them stop the bad behavior of biting.
If that doesn’t work, taking a break yourself from the activity if possible and directing your energy away from them will send a clear message to your Goldendoodle.
When redirecting or distracting your Goldendoodle puppy or adult dog, it is important to offer them praise when they do something right.
If they are nipping and biting your fingers while playing and you remove your fingers and redirect the biting to the toy, and it is successful, that is a win.
They should be rewarded with a treat and some words of praise, so they begin to associate the right behavior with the positive reward. This will help them understand what they should be doing and that there is a fine reward in place.
When the pet parent formally trains them, the training should be consistent. Any waver in your confidence as the pack leader when it comes to rules, or anything can send a message that I am not the pack leader, and you don’t need to listen to me.
Final Thoughts
All dogs bite at one time or another, and it’s often how we act or react that determines what happens afterward.
Goldendoodles are genetically predisposed to this issue due to their breeding, but this doesn’t mean that they will be badly behaved dogs.
Showing confidence in your position, being positive and persistent with any negative behavior will eventually win the day!