7 Reasons for Goldendoodle Barking
Everyone knows that all dogs bark at one time or another, that includes a Goldendoodle. While I know it is how they communciate, I don’t always understand what my Goldendoodle is trying to say.
Early this morning, I dug up some details on barking and what the reasons might be that your Goldendoodle barks at you.

Why is My Goldendoodle Barking?
- Attention
- Loneliness
- Separation Anxiety
- Fear
- Territory
- Health
- Boredom
Your Goldendoodle wants you to know something when they bark at you. Here’s how you can figure out what they need you to know and what you can do to stop the barking if it’s excessive.
- Dogs, including Goldendoodles, communicate through barking and body language.
- There are seven reasons why Goldendoodles bark: attention, loneliness, separation anxiety, fear, territory, health, and boredom.
- Barking is how Goldendoodles ask for attention or to get their needs met when they feel neglected.
- Goldendoodles are pack animals and can get lonely even in a house full of people, so they might bark to get your attention or show their displeasure.
- Separation anxiety is common in Goldendoodles, and they might bark excessively when left alone.
- Fear can also cause Goldendoodles to bark, as they try to remove danger to themselves, their humans, or their household.
- Barking is part of a Goldendoodle’s instinctive protective behavior, even if they are not bred to be guard dogs.
7 Reasons Your Goldendoodle Barks at You
Like every other dog, Goldendoodles use barking and body language to communicate with those around them. While they don’t speak our language, they have their own unique language made up of sounds and bodily responses, that includes your Goldendoodle when he or she barks at you.
Some Goldendoodles will only bark occasionally, preferring to use body language as a way of expressing themselves; and others will bark at you more often, but each dog is unique in responding to and communicating with those around them.
The most important thing to remember is that there is always a reason behind the barking and their attempt to communicate with you.
We all crave attention from those we love. It is easy for us humans to express our needs and wants by asking for what we wish, which is easily understood through our words.
For a Goldendoodle, this can be a bit more challenging, and this is why your Goldendoodle barks at you. We live busy lives, and it can be easy to accidentally lose sight of the little fur baby in the house from time to time.
Like other dogs, Goldendoodles use barking to ensure they get the attention they need. Whether they want attention for some petting, a treat or to seek attention because it’s been a while since they visited the backyard, barking helps.
When your Goldendoodle barks at you they want or need attention. It almost always gets a response and we pay attention.

We may not always get it right, but our attempt doesn’t go unnoticed. If a Goldendoodle pet parent knows their dog well, they will learn to understand the different barks or body language that comes with it to figure out what the Goldendoodle wants.
Goldendoodles can get lonely even in a house full of people. While they live with us, they don’t have the busy lives we do, and we get preoccupied. This can be a reason why your Goldendoodle barks at you because they are lonely.
No matter what breed of dog you have, dogs, including Goldendoodles, are pack animals. For this reason, they need to feel connected to their human pack.
That is why they want to go from the kitchen to the laundry room with you. You are the pack leader. They want to be near you for various reasons, including companionship. Many people think that as a companion animal, a Goldendoodle only offers companionship.
This is partly true. For your Goldendoodle to thrive best, they also need to have this companionship returned. If a Goldendoodle is left alone for too long, this can be a reason your Goldendoodle barks at you when you return home. They were lonely and missed you.
Try taking your dog for a long walk or offer a distraction like a stuffed kong and see if the excessive barking lets up.
Separation Anxiety
Goldendoodles are known for struggling with separation anxiety. A Goldendoodle can have difficulty coping with this separation when you are away.
They don’t understand why you left or if you are coming back and when. They have no control over the fact that you left and are upset that you had to go and didn’t take them along with you for this reason your Goldendoodle barks at you.
If you notice that your dog has destructive behaviors when you’re gone, it may be more likely to be separation anxiety.
For your Goldendoodle, which is a highly intelligent dog, they don’t have the concept of time and commonly suffer from anxiety in your absence. Barking is a common symptom of this issue, as well as digging and scratching at doors and other behaviors.
Your Goldendoodle can feel abandoned, lonely, confused and might act out both while you are gone as well as when you return.
This might include lots of barking in an attempt to convey their displeasure that you went away from home without them. When you return your Goldendoodle barks at you because they are unhappy you left them.
Your Goldendoodle might bark at you because he is fearful or afraid. If your Goldendoodle feels fear or is afraid for you, they might bark in response.
This barking is their attempt to remove or eliminate danger to them, you, or their household. There are various types of fear your Goldendoodle can feel, each being unique as the individual dog.
New people, changes to their environment, strange sounds, smells, or sights can send any Goldendoodle into a barking fit. While your Goldendoodle isn’t necessarily the perfect guard dog, the instinct to protect you and themselves as well as their home is there.

They might not likely lunge and bite an intruder or chase the garbage truck down the street, but your Goldendoodle wasn’t bred to be that kind of dog.
Barking for your Goldendoodle is their attempt at protection during times of fear as part of a built-in response system. This can be another reason why your Goldendoodle barks at you.
Dogs are territorial, no matter what kind of dog they are, and this can make your Goldendoodle bark at you. Goldendoodles will bark at you or someone else when they exercise their right of ownership and make it known to those around them.
Territory barking Goldendoodles can be pretty silly. They’re not naturally guard dogs, so their territorial barking is often random and pretty friendly.
These social dog breeds may bark when there are no obvious barking triggers. You may hear alert barking every time you come home, even though your dog knows you.
Being territorial is a natural survival response. It can be related to their food, water, pet parent, dog bed, or whatever your Goldendoodle values.
If your Goldendoodle feels that their ownership is being questioned, they will bark in response. This barking a Goldendoodle does is linked to their innate need to protect what they consider belonging to them.
This unnecessary barking can be hard to train away, but if alert barking turns into constant barking for significant lengths of time whenever you come home, you may want to look for ways to keep your dog entertained. A tired dog is less likely to spend time in unnecessary barking.
While your Goldendoodle isn’t likely to lunge at another dog who enters their territory or tries to sit on your lap, they will make their unhappiness known and your Goldendoodle might bark at you.
Your Goldendoodle can not tell you that their belly hurts or that they stepped on something outside so might find that your Goldendoodle barks at you. When they suffer from both mild and significant injury or illness, your Goldendoodle might bark at you as a way of expressing how they feel.
This is usually combined with or following body language signs like limping, scratching and other behaviors. Your Goldendoodle barks at you for this reason, but they might also whimper, cry, moan, groan, and yelp to express physical how they feel. In these situations immediate attention is needed.
If you see other signs of health issues like paw licking or generally being unable to get comfortable, a vet trip may be needed.
We all get bored; your Goldendoodle likely barks at you sometimes when they are bored. They can’t open the back door and head outside when they are bored to see what is going on in the yard next door.
They can’t open up the cabinet door to find that new dog toy you bought the other day, so your Goldendoodle barks at you to tell you, hey, I am bored.
This runs along the lines of needing attention but in a different way. Your Goldendoodle might not know what they need, but they know they need something.
This barking can come with other mischievous behaviors in an attempt to get you to pay attention and provide a diversion from their boredom.

Some dogs will have their unique barks to clue their pet parent in on what they need. This can quickly be learned by pet parents with a little patience, practice, and paying attention to details.
Boredom is probably the most common reason dogs bark at their people. Try spending time
How do I respond to my Goldendoodle that barks at me?
The best way to respond to your Goldendoodle that barks at you is to attempt to figure out what they need or want. Take a quick momentary break if you are busy and run through your mind.
Have they been fed recently? Do they need to use the bathroom? When was the last time I played with them? Is that crazy squirrel outside the window again, and they want me to see it?
Most often, barking is related to a need, want, or what is going on in their body or environment when your Goldendoodle barks at you.
After the reason for your Goldendoodles barking is uncovered, you can best determine how to respond.
In those moments where you are away from home and return to nonstop barking, it is best to address the first issue that they likely have, they missed you.
Spending a few moments sharing kisses and cuddles after a separation can provide your Goldendoodle with comfort and restore that bond that was broken with your absence.
After that running through your Goldendoodles needs and wants can help settle them down if you find your Goldendoodle barks at you still.
Bark Collars
Bark collars are designed to help train dogs to stop barking excessively. There are several types of bark collars available, including spray collars, electric shock collars, and ultrasonic collars.
Spray collars work by releasing something unpleasant in the air near the dog’s face when they’re barking. Electric shock collars work by sending a small electric current through the
They should only be used under the guidance of a professional dog trainer. Forms of punishment like this can traumatize a sensitive Goldendoodle. They also aren’t usually necessary for Goldendoodle barking at you.
These collars usually also have a vibration setting, which is a gentler way to get your dog’s attention and may work stop barking without trauma.
Ultrasonic collars work by emitting a high-pitched sound that only dogs can hear when they bark. This sound is intended to be unpleasant and help train dogs not to bark excessively.
Puzzle Toys
Providing mental stimulation with puzzle toys or treat-dispensing toys can help prevent unnecessary dog barking. Puzzle toys are used as a means of combining the natural reward of feeding with physical and mental stimulation for your dog.
Studies have shown that puzzle toys increase exercise and reduce barking. Additional studies in working dogs have shown that using puzzle toys does not reduce dogs’ drive to work and increases their ability to learn through praise.
Crate Training
Crate training can help reduce your dog barking at you. Hide a few yummy treats in your dog’s crate. Put a few of your dog’s favorite treats under his blanket, inside a chew toy, and around the entrance to the crate.
When your dog barks at you, suggest they go to their crate instead. In time, your dog will seek out their crate instead of barking at you.
Goldendoodles are energetic dogs, especially when they’re young. Both the Poodle and Golden Retrievers are active dog breeds, so expect doodles to inherit some crazy.
Your Goldendoodle puppy may just not be getting enough exercise to keep them calm and entertained. A lack of exercise can lead to all kinds of unwanted behavior, including bad barking behavior.
Pent up frustrationg can make your dog make a bad habit of demanding their dog owners to engage them. If you keep your dog active, they’ll be happy to relax with a favorite toy instead of barking at you. Try taking your dog to the dog park or get a dog walker.
If your Goldendoodle has excessive barking as a result of insufficient early socialization, you may need to desensitize them to people coming or going or other triggers for barking. Sight barriers can be useful for situations like new people arriving to the house.
Reward based training works well when dogs are aware of a stimulus but not yet barking. This will help most Goldendoodles acclimate to what was a stressful situation. Make sure your dog has a safe place to go to when they need to calm down.
Final Thoughts
Barking is a means of communicating for a Goldendoodle. At the same time, you may not always know why your Goldendoodle barks at you but it is important to attempt to figure it out.
If you know your Goldendoodle well and share a close, compassionate bond with them, finding the answer is easy.
Whatever the reason, barking is a natural part of who your Goldendoodle is, best to get used to some noise!
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